Organizations in this category (420668)
Name | Main person | Industry code | Type | Place | Country |
AI Arnt Inge Nygård1964 Chairman of the board | Financial support | Foundation | MIDSUND | Norge | |
AM Chairman of the board | Personal assistance | Condominium flat owner | RAMFJORDBOTN | Norge | |
Marketing | Sole proprietorship | OSLO | Norge | ||
OP Chairman of the board | Other Real Estate | Association/club/organisation | HOKKSUND | Norge | |
TH Torleif Husebø1962 Chairman of the board | Organizations | Association/club/organisation | HUNDVÅG | Norge | |
ØØ Øyvind Ørjansen1958 Chairman of the board | Personal assistance | Joint ownership according to the law of property | BREMNES | Norge | |
DA Chairman of the board | Organizations | Association/club/organisation | MO I RANA | Norge | |
LL Lars Lindbekk1950 Chairman of the board | Counseling | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
AB General Manager/ Managing Director | Research | Foundation | OSLO | Norge | |
CW Chairman of the board | Shared ownership | Housing cooperative | KROKELVDALEN | Norge | |
SP General Manager/ Managing Director | Accounting | Limited company | TROMSØ | Norge | |
ZT Chairman of the board | Health and well being | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
IT services | Sole proprietorship | LEIRSUND | Norge | ||
EA General Manager/ Managing Director | Craftsman services | Limited company | NARVIK | Norge | |
SS Sigurd Synstnes1964 General Manager/ Managing Director | Organizations | Co-operative | VÅGÅ | Norge | |
AM Aase Marit Waage1965 Chairman of the board | Organizations | Association/club/organisation | KRISTIANSAND S | Norge | |
CA Chairman of the board | Legal | Limited company | RYGGE | Norge | |
RM General Manager/ Managing Director | Health and well being | Sole proprietorship | OTTESTAD | Norge | |
Services for ocean aquaculture | Sole proprietorship | KRISTIANSUND N | Norge | ||
RS Robert Saki1960 Chairman of the board | Language services | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
KL Chairman of the board | Cleaning and maintenance | Limited company | KONGSVINGER | Norge | |
BJ Chairman of the board | Organizations | Association/club/organisation | HYLLESTAD | Norge | |
Cleaning and maintenance | Sole proprietorship | GOL | Norge | ||
Other services | Sole proprietorship | OSLO | Norge | ||
MB Marit Bakke1965 Chairman of the board | Organizations | Association/club/organisation | |||
Language services | Sole proprietorship | OSLO | Norge | ||
TH Tor Haldorsen1959 Chairman of the board | Personal assistance | Joint ownership according to the law of property | BERGEN | Norge | |
DF Dag Fredrik Øien1972 Chairman of the board | IT services | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
KE Chairman of the board | Organizations | Association/club/organisation | SØRUMSAND | Norge | |
ØR Øystein Røksund1969 Chairman of the board | Counseling | Limited company | MOSTERHAMN | Norge | |
EM Chairman of the board | Personal assistance | Condominium flat owner | TRONDHEIM | Norge | |
FM General Manager/ Managing Director | Other services | Limited company | VERDAL | Norge | |
Labor force | Norwegian division of foreign business enterprise | CHELMSFORD ESSEX CM2 7QA | Storbritannia | ||
CK General Manager/ Managing Director | Design | Sole proprietorship | BODØ | Norge | |
VK Vidar Kvalvik1977 Chairman of the board | Services for livestock keeping | Co-operative | UTNE | Norge | |
EM Chairman of the board | Other Real Estate | Association/club/organisation | VANG I VALDRES | Norge | |
BI General Manager/ Managing Director | Craftsman services | Limited company | BODØ | Norge | |
IT services | Sole proprietorship | KRISTIANSAND S | Norge | ||
OA General Manager/ Managing Director | Accounting | Limited company | LEVANGER | Norge | |
Design | Bankrupt estate | RAUFOSS | Norge | ||
Health and well being | Sole proprietorship | BOSBERG | Norge | ||
Craftsman services | Sole proprietorship | KRAGERØ | Norge | ||
Counseling | Sole proprietorship | FONNES | Norge | ||
TM Chairman of the board | Shared ownership | Housing cooperative | FØRDE | Norge | |
ER General Manager/ Managing Director | Organizations | Association/club/organisation | |||
EL Eirik Lothe1950 Chairman of the board | Organizations | Association/club/organisation | ODDA | Norge | |
AL Anne-Grethe Lehn1995 Chairman of the board | Organizations | Association/club/organisation | TRONDHEIM | Norge | |
Marketing | Sole proprietorship | RÅDE | Norge | ||
NG Natalja Gimburga1973 General Manager/ Managing Director | Health and well being | Limited company | BREMNES | Norge | |
AS Adrian Skrukkerud Nordengen1997 Chairman of the board | Organizations | Association/club/organisation | MOELV | Norge | |
Legal | Sole proprietorship | MO I RANA | Norge | ||
EL Elias Lagård2003 General Manager/ Managing Director | IT services | Sole proprietorship | LEINES | Norge | |
CS Christian Samuelsen Gjerstrøm1971 Chairman of the board | Real Estate | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
Counseling | Sole proprietorship | HAFRSFJORD | Norge | ||
TC Chairman of the board | Organizations | Association/club/organisation | NAUSTDAL | Norge | |
MS Chairman of the board | Counseling | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
EL Erling Lie1976 General Manager/ Managing Director | Craftsman services | Limited company | KOLLTVEIT | Norge | |
ET General Manager/ Managing Director | Credit information | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
LU Chairman of the board | Organizations | Association/club/organisation | LARVIK | Norge | |
Photography | Sole proprietorship | JESSHEIM | Norge | ||
DN Diane Nilsen1994 General Manager/ Managing Director | Health and well being | Sole proprietorship | BERGEN | Norge | |
JG Chairman of the board | Design | Limited company | TØNSBERG | Norge | |
IT services | Sole proprietorship | FARSUND | Norge | ||
PN Petter Nordby1973 General Manager/ Managing Director | IT services | Limited company | SANDEFJORD | Norge | |
Design | Sole proprietorship | KONGSVINGER | Norge | ||
SK Sigmund Knutsrud1951 General Manager/ Managing Director | Counseling | Limited company | KONGSVINGER | Norge | |
Counseling | Sole proprietorship | OSLO | Norge | ||
Language services | Sole proprietorship | OSLO | Norge | ||
Real Estate | Sole proprietorship | TROMSDALEN | Norge | ||
Counseling | Sole proprietorship | SEM | Norge | ||
CW Christian Wilhelm Erlandsen1950 Chairman of the board | IT services | Limited company | LYSAKER | Norge | |
TA Trond Are Hansen1964 Chairman of the board | IT services | Limited company | NESBRU | Norge | |
Craftsman services | Sole proprietorship | HARESTUA | Norge | ||
Health and well being | Sole proprietorship | HOKKSUND | Norge | ||
AN André Nordgard1980 Chairman of the board | Organizations | Association/club/organisation | MONGSTAD | Norge | |
JC General Manager/ Managing Director | Safety | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
JH Joar Hesten1980 Chairman of the board | Organizations | Association/club/organisation | LØDINGEN | Norge | |
Counseling | Sole proprietorship | FLATÅSEN | Norge | ||
TM Thomas Morud1984 General Manager/ Managing Director | Other Real Estate | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
AT Ane Thurid Brodtkorb Brudi1951 Chairman of the board | Language services | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
PS General Manager/ Managing Director | Artist | Sole proprietorship | FREDRIKSTAD | Norge | |
WB Chairman of the board | Personal assistance | Condominium flat owner | STORD | Norge | |
Services for livestock keeping | Sole proprietorship | REINSVOLL | Norge | ||
Counseling | Sole proprietorship | OSLO | Norge | ||
CT Christoffer Trulsvik Hagane1989 Chairman of the board | Other Real Estate | Association/club/organisation | SONGE | Norge | |
JF Jarle Fossheim1955 Chairman of the board | Organizations | Association/club/organisation | SEIMSFOSS | Norge | |
Health and well being | Sole proprietorship | OSLO | Norge | ||
GD Geir-Arne Dyb1956 Chairman of the board | Organizations | Association/club/organisation | VIGRA | Norge | |
HV Chairman of the board | Shared ownership | Housing cooperative | DRAMMEN | Norge | |
KS Karoline Sørbye1975 Contact person | Labor force | Norwegian division of foreign business enterprise | OSLO | Norge | |
IT services | Sole proprietorship | VIKESÅ | Norge | ||
AM General Manager/ Managing Director | Health and well being | Limited company | SKIEN | Norge | |
AA Arvid Alsaker1968 Chairman of the board | Organizations | Association/club/organisation | |||
AØ Arvid Øglænd1965 General Manager/ Managing Director | Craftsman services | Limited company | SANDNES | Norge | |
IT services | Sole proprietorship | NESBRU | Norge | ||
Cleaning and maintenance | Sole proprietorship | LANGEVÅG | Norge | ||
ØL Øyvind Larsen1972 General Manager/ Managing Director | IT services | Limited company | KOLBOTN | Norge | |
AE General Manager/ Managing Director | Organizations | Association/club/organisation | EVENES | Norge | |
RR Rune Reisænen1959 Chairman of the board | Organizations | Association/club/organisation | ROGNAN | Norge | |
Health and well being | Sole proprietorship | MELSOMVIK | Norge |