Organizations in this category (419642)
Name | Main person | Industry code | Type | Place | Country |
EÅ Chairman of the board | Services for livestock keeping | Company with limited liability | HORNINDAL | Norge | |
CH Cathrine Hylland1975 General Manager/ Managing Director | Counseling | Limited company | HAGAVIK | Norge | |
Craftsman services | Sole proprietorship | MELHUS | Norge | ||
IS Ivar Sållman1944 General Manager/ Managing Director | Organizations | Association/club/organisation | OTTESTAD | Norge | |
Services for plant production | Sole proprietorship | FAGERNES | Norge | ||
EI General Manager/ Managing Director | Counseling | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
Counseling | Sole proprietorship | TRONDHEIM | Norge | ||
IT services | Sole proprietorship | BÆRUMS VERK | Norge | ||
FJ General Manager/ Managing Director | Design | Limited company | BÅTSFJORD | Norge | |
OH Ola Hals1942 General Manager/ Managing Director | Funeral | Sole proprietorship | AVERØY | Norge | |
RN General Manager/ Managing Director | Real Estate | Sole proprietorship | OSLO | Norge | |
IT services | Sole proprietorship | BERGEN | Norge | ||
LE Lena Eidseter1970 General Manager/ Managing Director | Health and well being | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
TL General Manager/ Managing Director | IT services | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
KA Kjell Arvid Ruud1949 Contact person | Personal assistance | Joint ownership according to the law of property | LØTEN | Norge | |
RÅ General Manager/ Managing Director | Health and well being | Limited company | MOSBY | Norge | |
Craftsman services | Sole proprietorship | OSLO | Norge | ||
MA General Manager/ Managing Director | Health and well being | Limited company | MORVIK | Norge | |
IM Chairman of the board | Organizations | Association/club/organisation | EIKSMARKA | Norge | |
TO Chairman of the board | Organizations | Association/club/organisation | TRONDHEIM | Norge | |
HS Chairman of the board | Organizations | Association/club/organisation | GRONG | Norge | |
HJ General Manager/ Managing Director | Counseling | Limited company | ARENDAL | Norge | |
JM Johanna Mjöll Thormarsdottir1979 General Manager/ Managing Director | Health and well being | Limited company | KOPERVIK | Norge | |
Marketing | Sole proprietorship | OSLO | Norge | ||
TB Tony Bergensen1967 General Manager/ Managing Director | Organizations | Association/club/organisation | LILLESTRØM | Norge | |
AE General Manager/ Managing Director | Organizations | Association/club/organisation | BRØNNØYSUND | Norge | |
GK Chairman of the board | Organizations | Association/club/organisation | HAMNVIK | Norge | |
Health and well being | Sole proprietorship | PORSGRUNN | Norge | ||
NE General Manager/ Managing Director | Labor force | Limited company | STAVANGER | Norge | |
EF Espen Frønes1991 General Manager/ Managing Director | Counseling | Limited company | TRONDHEIM | Norge | |
Counseling | Sole proprietorship | SANDVIKA | Norge | ||
KA General Manager/ Managing Director | Counseling | Limited company | ÅLESUND | Norge | |
GO Chairman of the board | Shared ownership | Housing cooperative | HARSTAD | Norge | |
Counseling | Sole proprietorship | OSLO | Norge | ||
VR Vidar Rosenvinge1974 General Manager/ Managing Director | Craftsman services | Limited company | TRONDHEIM | Norge | |
KP General Manager/ Managing Director | Craftsman services | Limited company | HALDEN | Norge | |
TH General Manager/ Managing Director | Craftsman services | Limited company | KVITESEID | Norge | |
Real Estate | Sole proprietorship | DRAMMEN | Norge | ||
HW Chairman of the board | Personal assistance | Condominium flat owner | HEGGEDAL | Norge | |
IT services | Sole proprietorship | GJETTUM | Norge | ||
KR Kai Robert Nærby1960 Chairman of the board | Shared ownership | Housing cooperative | HALDEN | Norge | |
LD Luigi De Martino1948 Chairman of the board | Counseling | Limited company | SANDNES | Norge | |
Marketing | Sole proprietorship | ÅLESUND | Norge | ||
Counseling | Sole proprietorship | FLATDAL | Norge | ||
EJ General Manager/ Managing Director | IT services | Limited company | LANGHUS | Norge | |
Real Estate | Sole proprietorship | FROGNER | Norge | ||
TE General Manager/ Managing Director | Craftsman services | Limited company | SANDNES | Norge | |
PS Per Ståle Vågene1967 Chairman of the board | Organizations | Association/club/organisation | FLORØ | Norge | |
Health and well being | Sole proprietorship | NORDKISA | Norge | ||
RB Reidun Brekke1977 Chairman of the board | Organizations | Association/club/organisation | FØRDE | Norge | |
Counseling | Sole proprietorship | BORGEN | Norge | ||
AE Alf Engdal1946 Chairman of the board | Personal assistance | Condominium flat owner | TRONDHEIM | Norge | |
Design | Sole proprietorship | SLEPENDEN | Norge | ||
GE Chairman of the board | Organizations | Association/club/organisation | LANGESUND | Norge | |
AV Arild Våge1975 General Manager/ Managing Director | Real Estate | Limited company | FREKHAUG | Norge | |
LG Chairman of the board | Organizations | Association/club/organisation | RIDABU | Norge | |
Counseling | Sole proprietorship | OSLO | Norge | ||
TS Terje Strandtun1965 Chairman of the board | Services for livestock keeping | Association/club/organisation | FJELL | Norge | |
TØ General Manager/ Managing Director | Counseling | Sole proprietorship | SLITU | Norge | |
TH General Manager/ Managing Director | Organizations | Association/club/organisation | RØROS | Norge | |
IG Chairman of the board | Counseling | Limited company | STORD | Norge | |
SH General Manager/ Managing Director | Counseling | Limited company | JAR | Norge | |
SH Stian Haug1983 General Manager/ Managing Director | Organizations | Association/club/organisation | |||
ML General Manager/ Managing Director | Counseling | Sole proprietorship | ÅLESUND | Norge | |
Counseling | Sole proprietorship | OSLO | Norge | ||
DR Dag Roar Lund1954 Chairman of the board | Other Real Estate | Association/club/organisation | AREMARK | Norge | |
SG Stian Georg Bjerkebakke-Westin1990 Chairman of the board | Shared ownership | Housing cooperative | FREDRIKSTAD | Norge | |
NM Nora Margaret Bråtveit Gimse1965 General Manager/ Managing Director | Organizations | Association/club/organisation | PORSGRUNN | Norge | |
SB General Manager/ Managing Director | IT services | General Partnership | OSLO | Norge | |
Real Estate | Sole proprietorship | BYBRUA | Norge | ||
EI General Manager/ Managing Director | Organizations | Association/club/organisation | OSLO | Norge | |
SG Chairman of the board | Organizations | Association/club/organisation | ØRSKOG | Norge | |
Cleaning and maintenance | Sole proprietorship | OSLO | Norge | ||
MA General Manager/ Managing Director | Tourist | Limited company | LOM | Norge | |
HK Contact person | Counseling | Norwegian division of foreign business enterprise | |||
WE Wenche Ekelund1956 General Manager/ Managing Director | Health and well being | Limited company | STATHELLE | Norge | |
Tourist | Sole proprietorship | TROMSØ | Norge | ||
JN Chairman of the board | Organizations | Association/club/organisation | EIKEN | Norge | |
Counseling | Sole proprietorship | OSLO | Norge | ||
Cleaning and maintenance | Sole proprietorship | OSLO | Norge | ||
HL Hilde Lundevold1962 Chairman of the board | Organizations | Association/club/organisation | MOSBY | Norge | |
HS Hans Sæther1964 Chairman of the board | Organizations | Association/club/organisation | SKJÅK | Norge | |
BT Ben Tore Tunge1965 Chairman of the board | Other Real Estate | Condominium flat owner | STAVANGER | Norge | |
SR General Manager/ Managing Director | Organizations | Association/club/organisation | SARPSBORG | Norge | |
VI Chairman of the board | Personal assistance | Condominium flat owner | BRUMUNDDAL | Norge | |
Craftsman services | Sole proprietorship | GOL | Norge | ||
TM Chairman of the board | Organizations | Association/club/organisation | NODELAND | Norge | |
Design | Sole proprietorship | OSLO | Norge | ||
RR Rune Runestad1954 General Manager/ Managing Director | Real Estate | Limited company | RANDABERG | Norge | |
KR Kate Rinø Vigdal1970 Chairman of the board | Shared ownership | Housing cooperative | HØNEFOSS | Norge | |
LC Lars Christian Grødem-Olsen1987 General Manager/ Managing Director | Counseling | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
GD Geir Dombestein1966 General Manager/ Managing Director | Counseling | Limited company | KOLLTVEIT | Norge | |
SA Chairman of the board | Organizations | Association/club/organisation | MOLDE | Norge | |
OR Chairman of the board | Organizations | Association/club/organisation | TROMSØ | Norge | |
Health and well being | Sole proprietorship | OSLO | Norge | ||
LM Lotte Marie Glad1967 General Manager/ Managing Director | Counseling | Limited company | SLEPENDEN | Norge | |
Cleaning and maintenance | Sole proprietorship | FYLLINGSDALEN | Norge | ||
HE Chairman of the board | Counseling | Limited company | SKIEN | Norge | |
Craftsman services | Sole proprietorship | FOSNAVÅG | Norge | ||
MA Marius Akstinas1978 General Manager/ Managing Director | Accounting | Limited company | OSLO | Norge |