68.201 House cooperative6857
Organizations in this category (6857)
Name | Main person | Type | Place | Country |
MF Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | STOKKE | Norge | |
AS Aleksander Stava1995 Chairman of the board | Condominium flat owner | TRONDHEIM | Norge | |
RJ Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | KRISTIANSAND S | Norge | |
ØS Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | TRONDHEIM | Norge | |
ÅJ Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | HAUGESUND | Norge | |
AR Anita Røine1968 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | STOKKE | Norge | |
GE Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | HAMAR | Norge | |
KJ Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | OSLO | Norge | |
SH Steffen Hegg1992 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | OSLO | Norge | |
AE Agnar Espegren1975 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | KRISTIANSAND S | Norge | |
TB Tonje Bendiksen1987 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | MO I RANA | Norge | |
IK Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | BERGEN | Norge | |
MB Marianne Breivik1978 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | BODØ | Norge | |
ME Marianne Elisabeth Schjerpen1964 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | TRONDHEIM | Norge | |
AO Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | KRISTIANSUND N | Norge | |
ÅM Åse Marie Lerheim-Lorenzson1991 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | BERGEN | Norge | |
RM Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | SKI | Norge | |
SH Steinar Hansgård1968 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | OSLO | Norge | |
LC Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | FREDRIKSTAD | Norge | |
TS Torgeir Strømmen1958 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | VERDAL | Norge | |
TM Tone Marthinsen1956 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | DRAMMEN | Norge | |
HG Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | TROMSØ | Norge | |
HM Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | LILLEHAMMER | Norge | |
KF Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | STAVANGER | Norge | |
JR Jørn Rogn Lohne1970 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | PORSGRUNN | Norge | |
BR Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | ARENDAL | Norge | |
EJ General Manager/ Managing Director | Housing cooperative | SURNADAL | Norge | |
BK Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | BERGEN | Norge | |
TS Trond Skaarud1962 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | SKI | Norge | |
SM Siri Marie Ek1992 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | PORSGRUNN | Norge | |
TL Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | STOKMARKNES | Norge | |
JA Chairman of the board | Condominium flat owner | LARVIK | Norge | |
SH Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | TRONDHEIM | Norge | |
FK Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | LARVIK | Norge | |
PA Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | TRONDHEIM | Norge | |
TG Tone Gjelsvik1968 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | BERGEN | Norge | |
KI Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | OSLO | Norge | |
RV Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | SKIEN | Norge | |
GK Gina Kristiansen Borgersrud1985 Chairman of the board | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
SN Ståle Nygård1969 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | DRAMMEN | Norge | |
GS Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | HAMAR | Norge | |
KB Ketil Balle1972 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | TRONDHEIM | Norge | |
OA Ola Alinski1978 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | OSLO | Norge | |
DP Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | LARVIK | Norge | |
ØF Øyvind Flatner1956 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | KONGSVINGER | Norge | |
TV Tormod Vågsnes1953 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | ARENDAL | Norge | |
JB Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | DRAMMEN | Norge | |
PP Peter Pontecorvo1988 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | OSLO | Norge | |
LM Leif Magne Bø1977 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | STAVANGER | Norge | |
MU Morten Undseth1994 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | OSLO | Norge | |
JE Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | BERGEN | Norge | |
AK Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | OSLO | Norge | |
VJ Vivian Jevnaker1958 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | ØVRE ÅRDAL | Norge | |
SE Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | MOSJØEN | Norge | |
FL Finn Larsen1961 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | BODØ | Norge | |
HH Helge Høybjør1955 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | FREDRIKSTAD | Norge | |
WS Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | OSLO | Norge | |
AB Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | STAVANGER | Norge | |
MD Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | HARSTAD | Norge | |
ET Chairman of the board | Condominium flat owner | GJØVIK | Norge | |
SØ Sjur Østvang1956 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | HAMAR | Norge | |
BB Benjamin Bremer1997 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | TRONDHEIM | Norge | |
ET Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | BODØ | Norge | |
GM Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | MO I RANA | Norge | |
JB Jonfinn Bremnes1955 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | STOKKE | Norge | |
AG Anne Gro Burud1964 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | KONGSBERG | Norge | |
AD Anita Dahl1955 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | TØNSBERG | Norge | |
AL Chairman of the board | Condominium flat owner | DRØBAK | Norge | |
VI Vidar Innselset1981 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | DRAMMEN | Norge | |
GA Geir Atle Bakken1975 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | NITTEDAL | Norge | |
HS Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | OSLO | Norge | |
EA Egil Arne Wiik1968 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | KABELVÅG | Norge | |
CK Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | HAUGESUND | Norge | |
HB Håkon Birkeli1955 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | NITTEDAL | Norge | |
BH Bjørn Hoffstad1960 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | STOKKE | Norge | |
RI Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | BODØ | Norge | |
PØ Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | OSLO | Norge | |
KH Kåre Holsæter1960 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | FØRDE | Norge | |
GK Geir Kåre Opheim1971 Chairman of the board | Limited company | BERGEN | Norge | |
TP Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | OSLO | Norge | |
HS Henrik Steiniche Rasmussen1962 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | NODELAND | Norge | |
MS Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | SARPSBORG | Norge | |
KL Chairman of the board | Condominium flat owner | STAVANGER | Norge | |
AD Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | MO I RANA | Norge | |
FR Frode Røsvik1961 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | LILLEHAMMER | Norge | |
KA Kristian Andre Bunes Sørhaug1993 Chairman of the board | Limited company | BERGEN | Norge | |
AH Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | BERGEN | Norge | |
ØH Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | BERGEN | Norge | |
KA Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | LILLESTRØM | Norge | |
EG Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | HORTEN | Norge | |
RV Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | ELVERUM | Norge | |
HH Helmer Henriksen1947 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | SKIEN | Norge | |
SA Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | OSLO | Norge | |
BK Børge Kverneland1987 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | STAVANGER | Norge | |
EG Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | HORTEN | Norge | |
GA Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | HARSTAD | Norge | |
SG Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | OSLO | Norge | |
OT Odd Tore Hegna1948 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | LARVIK | Norge | |
HA Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | TØNSBERG | Norge | |
JL Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | STOKKE | Norge |