68.201 House cooperative9254
Organizations in this category (9254)
Name | Main person | Type | Place | Country |
AL Arne Lyng1948 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | PORSGRUNN | Norge | |
OL Oddvar Lyng1951 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | VERDAL | Norge | |
HC Hans Christian Sanders Tjønnås1990 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | OSLO | Norge | |
SL Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | KRISTIANSAND S | Norge | |
MF Morten Fjellheim1975 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | KRAGERØ | Norge | |
HE Hilde Erikstad1977 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | TROMSØ | Norge | |
DA Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | DRAMMEN | Norge | |
KV Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | FREDRIKSTAD | Norge | |
AB Arvid Brøndalen1961 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | SKIEN | Norge | |
HK Hanne Katrine Reinholdtsen1988 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | TRONDHEIM | Norge | |
VT Vivian Tysse1969 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | FREDRIKSTAD | Norge | |
FP Frank Paulsen1960 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | DRAMMEN | Norge | |
MH Chairman of the board | Limited company | BERGEN | Norge | |
LL Lise Lillevold1974 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | MO I RANA | Norge | |
AL Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | KABELVÅG | Norge | |
AB Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | TRONDHEIM | Norge | |
JB Jarle Bjørnestad1955 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | BERGEN | Norge | |
BH Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | TROMSØ | Norge | |
JA Joakim Andersson1993 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | OSLO | Norge | |
PL Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | OSLO | Norge | |
PS Pauline Sandgren Steinskog1998 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | KRISTIANSAND S | Norge | |
LG Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | GJØVIK | Norge | |
OR Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | OSLO | Norge | |
EJ General Manager/ Managing Director | Housing cooperative | SUNNDALSØRA | Norge | |
SK Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | LILLESTRØM | Norge | |
BS Bente Strømodden1960 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | ALTA | Norge | |
MN Maria Nordraak1975 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | SKI | Norge | |
MH Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | BERGEN | Norge | |
IL Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | KRAGERØ | Norge | |
ES Einar Sagbakken1954 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | ELVERUM | Norge | |
MJ Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | OSLO | Norge | |
GB Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | SØGNE | Norge | |
RS Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | OSLO | Norge | |
TB Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | NARVIK | Norge | |
EB Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | OSLO | Norge | |
SJ Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | STAVANGER | Norge | |
ØH Øyvind Horten1972 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | LILLEHAMMER | Norge | |
JT Jan Tore Olsborg1966 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | TROMSØ | Norge | |
BE Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | HAUGESUND | Norge | |
MS Martin Syre Wiig1982 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | LILLESTRØM | Norge | |
GR Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | TRONDHEIM | Norge | |
KH Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | MO I RANA | Norge | |
TF Tor Falck1949 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | LILLEHAMMER | Norge | |
VP Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | MO I RANA | Norge | |
TØ Torbjørn Øverbø1948 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | NOTODDEN | Norge | |
IL Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | HAMAR | Norge | |
AM Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | TRONDHEIM | Norge | |
RL Rolf Lønnum1954 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | STEINKJER | Norge | |
EA Elise Antonsen1996 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | GRESSVIK | Norge | |
TA Tobias Alfredsen Kjønnerød1999 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | STOKKE | Norge | |
SV Sølvi Villanger1962 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | BERGEN | Norge | |
HK Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | HAMMERFEST | Norge | |
SM Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | LARVIK | Norge | |
MB Martin Bremnæs1980 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | HØNEFOSS | Norge | |
SJ Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | TRONDHEIM | Norge | |
EA Eirik Ahdell1978 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | OSLO | Norge | |
UE Ulf Erik Elstad1960 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | NARVIK | Norge | |
PH Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | TRONDHEIM | Norge | |
KN Knut Næss1951 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | LARVIK | Norge | |
AR Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | DRAMMEN | Norge | |
TD Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | STOKKE | Norge | |
RF Roger Fjellin1959 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | KONGSBERG | Norge | |
BO Bernt Olav Brochmann Skoklefald1968 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | SKI | Norge | |
TH Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | VERDAL | Norge | |
TB Tone Broks1960 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | HARSTAD | Norge | |
PK Per-Ellef Krokan1969 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | TROMSØ | Norge | |
LR Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | ALTA | Norge | |
SO Sveinung Otterstad Christophersen1978 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | SARPSBORG | Norge | |
BO Bernt Olav Brochmann Skoklefald1968 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | SKI | Norge | |
JN Joakim Nyquist1985 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | MYSEN | Norge | |
OM General Manager/ Managing Director | Housing cooperative | OSLO | Norge | |
PJ Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | LILLESTRØM | Norge | |
HM Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | NARVIK | Norge | |
MF Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | GRAN | Norge | |
OA Odd Arne Ravnå1965 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | PORSGRUNN | Norge | |
HH Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | SKIEN | Norge | |
CT Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | OSLO | Norge | |
GJ Geir Jørgensen1968 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | KRISTIANSAND S | Norge | |
IK Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | FREDRIKSTAD | Norge | |
EH Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | BODØ | Norge | |
TJ Chairman of the board | Condominium flat owner | BERGEN | Norge | |
RH Rita Hellem Kvig1947 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | BODØ | Norge | |
AE Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | KONGSVINGER | Norge | |
IP Ivar Pettersen1971 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | FYLLINGSDALEN | Norge | |
GP Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | KONGSBERG | Norge | |
KR Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | HAMAR | Norge | |
RF Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | MOLDE | Norge | |
AA Arnt Aksel Schøning Rørvik1952 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | STAVANGER | Norge | |
FH Fred Humborstad1972 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | STAVANGER | Norge | |
PB Petter Bekkestad1985 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | HALDEN | Norge | |
RH Ragnhild Haugum1970 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | TRONDHEIM | Norge | |
MJ Marvin Jan Hedvall Christensen1953 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | HARSTAD | Norge | |
SR Sverre Rakkenes1977 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | DRAMMEN | Norge | |
ÅS Åse Strøm1994 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | MOSS | Norge | |
TH Tore Haugland1951 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | BERGEN | Norge | |
HK Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | DRAMMEN | Norge | |
KV Kjersti Vold1977 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | OSLO | Norge | |
TØ Torkjell Øvsthus1972 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | BERGEN | Norge | |
AV Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | GJØVIK | Norge | |
SS Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | BERGEN | Norge |