69.202 Auditing852
Keywords relevant in this category
Organizations in this category (852)
Name | Main person | Type | Place | Country |
GM Geir Mangerøy1969 General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | BERGEN | Norge | |
Sole proprietorship | SANNIDAL | Norge | ||
AU Asbjørn Ulven Nordahl-Lundberg1958 Chairman of the board | General Partnership with shared liability | RASTA | Norge | |
TA Contact person | Norwegian division of foreign business enterprise | NEW YORK NY 10154 | USA | |
YB Yngvar Bratlid1959 General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | ARENDAL | Norge | |
PW General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
AV Asle Vang1970 General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | LEVANGER | Norge | |
RÅ Roar Ånesland1973 General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | SON | Norge | |
Sole proprietorship | OSLO | Norge | ||
SH Svein Helle1957 General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | VOLLEN | Norge | |
TA General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | NARVIK | Norge | |
OK Ove Karlsson1972 Chairman of the board | Limited company | KRISTIANSUND N | Norge | |
MI Chairman of the board | Limited company | KRISTIANSAND S | Norge | |
MH Martin Hoft1985 General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
VL Villy Lysgård1949 General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | HORTEN | Norge | |
HG Hans Georg Wille1958 Chairman of the board | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
AB Amund Barmoen1983 General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | HAMAR | Norge | |
HV Herbjørn Vestvik1970 General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | RANDABERG | Norge | |
MW Martin Wikborg1957 Chairman of the board | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
HK General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | SKÅTØY | Norge | |
ØF Chairman of the board | Limited company | FAGERSTRAND | Norge | |
JA General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | HARSTAD | Norge | |
AE General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | BRYNE | Norge | |
RS Reidar Seland1975 General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | SANDNES | Norge | |
BV General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | SANDEFJORD | Norge | |
AE General Manager/ Managing Director | General Partnership | BODØ | Norge | |
GA Geir Arve Vatne1971 General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | ØRSTA | Norge | |
BA Britt Arnøy1973 General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | STAVANGER | Norge | |
RS Ronnie Seland1972 General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | DRAMMEN | Norge | |
TÅ Trygve Årdahl1959 General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | TØNSBERG | Norge | |
AE General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | ROGNAN | Norge | |
JH Jørn Hedemark1955 Chairman of the board | Limited company | DRAMMEN | Norge | |
AK General Manager/ Managing Director | Sole proprietorship | LILLESTRØM | Norge | |
SR General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | MOLDE | Norge | |
TC Chairman of the board | Limited company | TØNSBERG | Norge | |
PE Per Edwin Engen1990 General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | HORTEN | Norge | |
HP General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
HT Harald Tettum1958 General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | KOLBOTN | Norge | |
RR Roy Ramm1954 General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | LARVIK | Norge | |
TA General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | MALVIK | Norge | |
HV Håvard Vikse1969 General Manager/ Managing Director | Norwegian division of foreign business enterprise | 10 000 ZAGREB | Kroatia | |
SR Chairman of the board | Limited company | HORTEN | Norge | |
TU Toril Ulfsnes1966 General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | KRISTIANSUND N | Norge | |
Sole proprietorship | STAVANGER | Norge | ||
VS Vidar Stenstad1954 General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | GVARV | Norge | |
CN Cato Norvik1972 General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | KRISTIANSUND N | Norge | |
KG General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
JE General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | BERGEN | Norge | |
JB Jan Bruserud1949 General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
HB General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | NOTODDEN | Norge | |
RE Ranveig Endresen1963 General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | STAVANGER | Norge | |
BM Bård Mamelund1962 General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | GJØVIK | Norge | |
HG Henning Graven1970 General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | JESSHEIM | Norge | |
Sole proprietorship | BODØ | Norge | ||
SR Sahidur Rahman1953 General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
Sole proprietorship | NESBRU | Norge | ||
CA General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | NYBORG | Norge | |
RM General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | KRISTIANSAND S | Norge | |
Sole proprietorship | MESNALI | Norge | ||
AK General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | ØSTERÅS | Norge | |
Sole proprietorship | HAUGLANDSHELLA | Norge | ||
SR Sahidur Rahman1953 General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
EA General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | NESBRU | Norge | |
EF General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | KRÅKERØY | Norge | |
KI Knut Inge Sylta1959 General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | STRAUME | Norge | |
EF General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
SM Svein Malde1958 Chairman of the board | Limited company | STAVANGER | Norge | |
KB Kai Billy Aasen1952 Chairman of the board | Limited company | GJØVIK | Norge | |
PO Chairman of the board | Limited company | BÆRUMS VERK | Norge | |
TL General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | SANDEFJORD | Norge | |
Sole proprietorship | BERGEN | Norge | ||
BE General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | BERGEN | Norge | |
RB General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | SVOLVÆR | Norge | |
TD General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | TOLVSRØD | Norge | |
SG General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | AURSKOG | Norge | |
BT Chairman of the board | Limited company | ÅGOTNES | Norge | |
JO Jan Ove Hofseth1972 Chairman of the board | Limited company | MAURA | Norge | |
BG Bjørn Gundersen1956 General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | SKATVAL | Norge | |
TS Terje Skudal1974 General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | NESTTUN | Norge | |
Sole proprietorship | VALDERØYA | Norge | ||
EA General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | NESØYA | Norge | |
Sole proprietorship | SØREIDGREND | Norge | ||
TM Terje Mehren1960 General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | DRAMMEN | Norge | |
SR Chairman of the board | Limited company | SANDEFJORD | Norge | |
KL Kjeld-Håkon Langeland Nilsen1972 General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | HYLKJE | Norge | |
AS General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | FREDRIKSTAD | Norge | |
LA Leif Arne Jensen1968 General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
GE General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | SLEPENDEN | Norge | |
SO Sigmund Omsland1968 General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | KRISTIANSAND S | Norge | |
TM Tove Merete Thomassen Fagerhøi1966 General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | RÅDE | Norge | |
Sole proprietorship | OSLO | Norge | ||
AF Amund Frøysa1958 General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | ÅLESUND | Norge | |
RL Robert Ler1976 General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | LILLESTRØM | Norge | |
TS Terje Skudal1974 Chairman of the board | Limited company | NESTTUN | Norge | |
HV Håvard Vikse1969 General Manager/ Managing Director | Norwegian division of foreign business enterprise | |||
EO Espen Ommedal1962 Chairman of the board | Limited company | BØNES | Norge | |
EI General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
Sole proprietorship | OSLO | Norge | ||
Sole proprietorship | DUKEN | Norge | ||
TD Torgeir Dalseth1977 General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | ÅLESUND | Norge |