Water, sewage and waste disposal3158
Organizations in this category (3158)
Name | Main person | Industry code | Type | Place | Country |
TM General Manager/ Managing Director | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | HALDEN | Norge | |
KB Knut Brusletto1974 General Manager/ Managing Director | Water and wastewater | Limited company | HØNEFOSS | Norge | |
KJ General Manager/ Managing Director | Waste and recycling | Limited company | SANDNES | Norge | |
OS Odd Skjegstad1965 General Manager/ Managing Director | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | VESTNES | Norge | |
AA Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Association/club/organisation | TRO | Norge | |
Waste and recycling | Sole proprietorship | FLEKKEFJORD | Norge | ||
JØ Jone Øyvind Selvåg Mortensen1982 Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | FANA | Norge | |
OM General Manager/ Managing Director | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | DRØBAK | Norge | |
BD General Manager/ Managing Director | Waste and recycling | Limited company | KRÅKSTAD | Norge | |
LK Chairman of the board | Waste and recycling | Limited company | ASKER | Norge | |
AB Adam Buraczewski1977 Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Association/club/organisation | DRØBAK | Norge | |
VØ Vegard Øvermoen1983 Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Association/club/organisation | SØRREISA | Norge | |
KS Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Association/club/organisation | DUKEN | Norge | |
TO General Manager/ Managing Director | Waste and recycling | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
LJ Lars John Vaslag1951 Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | SUNDLANDET | Norge | |
JC Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Company with limited liability | |||
JV Jan Vidar Høyvik1982 General Manager/ Managing Director | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | ATLØY | Norge | |
AH Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | SANDEFJORD | Norge | |
PS Paul Skrede1956 Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | HOPLAND | Norge | |
SI Ståle Isachsen1957 General Manager/ Managing Director | Water and wastewater | Limited company | STAVANGER | Norge | |
BH Bjørn Harald Bratt-Aanensen1969 Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | OSLO | Norge | |
KL Karsten Leikvoll Gundersen1962 General Manager/ Managing Director | Waste and recycling | Limited company | RÅDAL | Norge | |
JA Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | ÅLEN | Norge | |
Waste and recycling | Norwegian division of foreign business enterprise | FR-38460 TREPT | Frankrike | ||
EK Ellen Karoline Damhaug Scheel1962 General Manager/ Managing Director | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | GRESSVIK | Norge | |
AK Chairman of the board | Waste and recycling | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
TE Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Association/club/organisation | NAMDALSEID | Norge | |
TA Tor Arne Moe1953 Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Association/club/organisation | RANHEIM | Norge | |
BB Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | HALDEN | Norge | |
US Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | NESODDTANGEN | Norge | |
SR General Manager/ Managing Director | Waste and recycling | Limited company | LANGANGEN | Norge | |
TH Chairman of the board | Waste and recycling | Limited company | PORSGRUNN | Norge | |
MS Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | SKIEN | Norge | |
MA Marius André Moe1984 Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | VALLDAL | Norge | |
GG Geir Grimsland1959 General Manager/ Managing Director | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | TVEDESTRAND | Norge | |
LJ Lars Johansen1951 Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Association/club/organisation | STEINKJER | Norge | |
ED Edgar Dønåsen1954 General Manager/ Managing Director | Waste and recycling | Limited company | FLISA | Norge | |
TM Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | ANDEBU | Norge | |
EJ Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Association/club/organisation | SKJEBERG | Norge | |
OE Ole Edvard Olsen1953 Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Association/club/organisation | BODØ | Norge | |
OR Ove Roar Blixhavn Halvorsen1965 Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Limited company | VÅLE | Norge | |
JØ Jonny Ødegård1969 General Manager/ Managing Director | Water and wastewater | Inter-municipal company | STRØMMEN | Norge | |
HJ Hans Jørgen Engh1962 General Manager/ Managing Director | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | BORGENHAUGEN | Norge | |
IH Ivar Henning Christofer Fett1945 Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | HAFRSFJORD | Norge | |
LP Lars Pedersen1961 General Manager/ Managing Director | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | FÆRVIK | Norge | |
JE Jonas Eriksen1940 General Manager/ Managing Director | Water and wastewater | Limited company | MORVIK | Norge | |
SN Solveig Nielsen1967 General Manager/ Managing Director | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | EIDSFOSS | Norge | |
RR Rune Randøy1957 Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | KRISTIANSAND S | Norge | |
KM Kirsti Mæland1969 General Manager/ Managing Director | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | HOLTER | Norge | |
HB General Manager/ Managing Director | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | FOLKESTAD | Norge | |
RK Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Association/club/organisation | STATHELLE | Norge | |
SM Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Limited company | LAUPSTAD | Norge | |
SL Stig Leknes1964 General Manager/ Managing Director | Waste and recycling | Limited company | BØNES | Norge | |
KS Knut Skinnes1991 General Manager/ Managing Director | Waste and recycling | Limited company | RØYSE | Norge | |
PS Per Skårland1945 Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | SANDNES | Norge | |
AJ General Manager/ Managing Director | Water and wastewater | Limited company | GURSKØY | Norge | |
LE Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | OSLO | Norge | |
ST General Manager/ Managing Director | Waste and recycling | Limited company | HØYANGER | Norge | |
MK General Manager/ Managing Director | Water and wastewater | Company with limited liability | OPPHAUG | Norge | |
JM General Manager/ Managing Director | Water and wastewater | Association/club/organisation | RØYKSUND | Norge | |
AL Anne Livø Buvik1959 Contact person | Water and wastewater | Association/club/organisation | GAMLE FREDRIKSTAD | Norge | |
MJ Morten Jahr1960 Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | OSLO | Norge | |
JH General Manager/ Managing Director | Water and wastewater | Limited company | NESBYEN | Norge | |
TK Contact person | Water and wastewater | Association/club/organisation | BØNES | Norge | |
TV General Manager/ Managing Director | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | MOSS | Norge | |
IL General Manager/ Managing Director | Waste and recycling | Limited company | ASKER | Norge | |
CA Christian Arthur Eugen Andersen1971 General Manager/ Managing Director | Waste and recycling | Limited company | LYSAKER | Norge | |
KH Kai Henning Wik1972 Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Association/club/organisation | SANDNES | Norge | |
HA Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | VÅLER I SOLØR | Norge | |
Water and wastewater | Sole proprietorship | RENNEBU | Norge | ||
JB John Borten1974 General Manager/ Managing Director | Water and wastewater | Limited company | MELHUS | Norge | |
TJ Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | MIDSUND | Norge | |
BH Chairman of the board | Waste and recycling | Limited company | BODØ | Norge | |
EL Erik Lunde1981 General Manager/ Managing Director | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | VOSS | Norge | |
HE Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Association/club/organisation | VOSS | Norge | |
RM Ronny Mobakken1975 Chairman of the board | Waste and recycling | Limited company | RAUDEBERG | Norge | |
HC General Manager/ Managing Director | Waste and recycling | Limited company | MANDAL | Norge | |
LI General Manager/ Managing Director | Water and wastewater | Association/club/organisation | TRONDHEIM | Norge | |
TB Tanja Breyholtz1970 General Manager/ Managing Director | Water and wastewater | Inter-municipal company | VESTFOSSEN | Norge | |
GN Grete Nygaard Zachariassen1961 Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Association/club/organisation | STRYN | Norge | |
ER General Manager/ Managing Director | Waste and recycling | Limited company | ÅNDALSNES | Norge | |
JØ Jan Øyvind Åvik1974 Chairman of the board | Waste and recycling | Limited company | MANDAL | Norge | |
AA Alice Andreassen1980 General Manager/ Managing Director | Waste and recycling | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
RR Richard Rogne1978 General Manager/ Managing Director | Waste and recycling | Sole proprietorship | BANGSUND | Norge | |
FA Fredrik Aakrann1978 General Manager/ Managing Director | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | ASKER | Norge | |
MA General Manager/ Managing Director | Waste and recycling | Limited company | TROMSØ | Norge | |
Water and wastewater | Sole proprietorship | DRAMMEN | Norge | ||
HA Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | BØSTAD | Norge | |
Waste and recycling | Bankrupt estate | MANDAL | Norge | ||
ME Marius Egge1958 General Manager/ Managing Director | Waste and recycling | Limited company | LIER | Norge | |
TT Thomas Thorsland1998 Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Association/club/organisation | ÅSERAL | Norge | |
ØB Øystein Bjørløw1968 General Manager/ Managing Director | Water and wastewater | Limited company | SANDE I VESTFOLD | Norge | |
SS Sigve Sandvik1963 Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Association/club/organisation | SANDNES | Norge | |
NE Niels Erik Nørlund Aavatsmark1944 Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Association/club/organisation | MO I RANA | Norge | |
Waste and recycling | Bankrupt estate | STØ | Norge | ||
BH General Manager/ Managing Director | Waste and recycling | Norwegian division of foreign business enterprise | ASKER | Norge | |
MR General Manager/ Managing Director | Waste and recycling | Limited company | BRYNE | Norge | |
IL Ivar Lien1963 General Manager/ Managing Director | Water and wastewater | Limited company | ALVDAL | Norge | |
KI Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | EGGKLEIVA | Norge | |
LC Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Association/club/organisation | BERG I ØSTFOLD | Norge |