Water, sewage and waste disposal3058
Organizations in this category (3058)
Name | Main person | Industry code | Type | Place | Country |
Waste and recycling | Sole proprietorship | KRISTIANSAND S | Norge | ||
PS Per Strømsbukt1974 Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | LYNGSEIDET | Norge | |
Waste and recycling | Bankrupt estate | FLATÅSEN | Norge | ||
DE General Manager/ Managing Director | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | KLØFTA | Norge | |
AR Alv Reinert Homo1953 Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | FOLDEREID | Norge | |
TE Tor Eivind Osmo1973 General Manager/ Managing Director | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | LOFTHUS | Norge | |
TK Tore Knudsen1966 Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Association/club/organisation | MYRE | Norge | |
SO Sigurd Ole Ruud1965 General Manager/ Managing Director | Water and wastewater | Limited company | PASSEBEKK | Norge | |
SS Solgunn Sæterås1965 Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Association/club/organisation | LAUVSTAD | Norge | |
TH Terje Holtet1948 Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Company with limited liability | |||
AW General Manager/ Managing Director | Waste and recycling | Limited company | VARDØ | Norge | |
HJ Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | GRATANGEN | Norge | |
PI General Manager/ Managing Director | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | BARKÅKER | Norge | |
KN Ketil Natvig1964 General Manager/ Managing Director | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | SANDE I VESTFOLD | Norge | |
AK Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Company with limited liability | HUNDEIDVIK | Norge | |
KE Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | EIDSBYGDA | Norge | |
MT Mats Torset1986 Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Association/club/organisation | VIHALS | Norge | |
GI Geir Istad1964 General Manager/ Managing Director | Waste and recycling | Limited company | GODØYA | Norge | |
RE Roger Ensrud1965 Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Limited company | NYKIRKE | Norge | |
RJ Runar Jacobsen1956 General Manager/ Managing Director | Waste and recycling | Inter-municipal company | VINTERBRO | Norge | |
AH Andreas Hovden1982 General Manager/ Managing Director | Waste and recycling | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
MV General Manager/ Managing Director | Waste and recycling | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
SM Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | ÅROS | Norge | |
BE Bengt Erfjord1967 General Manager/ Managing Director | Waste and recycling | Limited company | ERFJORD | Norge | |
PA Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | DRØBAK | Norge | |
BB Bjørnar Berglund1953 Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Company with limited liability | |||
EG Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Association/club/organisation | LUNDE | Norge | |
ME Morten Engesvold1956 Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | ÅLEN | Norge | |
JB Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | HEMSEDAL | Norge | |
TK Thomas Knudsen1972 Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | LILLESTRØM | Norge | |
BG Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | KVÅL | Norge | |
GÅ Chairman of the board | Waste and recycling | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
AM Anders Mjaaland1965 General Manager/ Managing Director | Waste and recycling | Limited company | BODØ | Norge | |
TO Tor Olav Vatn1966 General Manager/ Managing Director | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | ØYDEGARD | Norge | |
MA Madalin Avram1994 General Manager/ Managing Director | Waste and recycling | Sole proprietorship | FJELLHAMAR | Norge | |
TK Tor Ketil Lian1967 Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Company with limited liability | OVERHALLA | Norge | |
AM General Manager/ Managing Director | Water and wastewater | Limited company | SANDNES | Norge | |
SH General Manager/ Managing Director | Waste and recycling | Limited company | HØNEFOSS | Norge | |
RH Roy Henry Moberg1964 General Manager/ Managing Director | Waste and recycling | Limited company | HALDEN | Norge | |
SO Svein Ove Dahle1962 Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | ÅFARNES | Norge | |
AO Anders Oven1981 Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Limited company | RYGGE | Norge | |
Waste and recycling | Sole proprietorship | VEGA | Norge | ||
EA Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Association/club/organisation | SØGNE | Norge | |
JN General Manager/ Managing Director | Waste and recycling | Norwegian division of foreign business enterprise | NESBRU | Norge | |
MS General Manager/ Managing Director | Water and wastewater | Limited company | VÅLER I ØSTFOLD | Norge | |
TL Trygve Lyftingsmo Kråkenes1969 Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | GJEVING | Norge | |
Waste and recycling | Sole proprietorship | BATALDEN | Norge | ||
NS Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Association/club/organisation | DRØBAK | Norge | |
SN Steinar Nomeland1966 General Manager/ Managing Director | Water and wastewater | Limited company | RYSSTAD | Norge | |
JG Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Association/club/organisation | GRIMSTAD | Norge | |
JJ Jan Johansen1972 General Manager/ Managing Director | Water and wastewater | Limited company | BREVIK | Norge | |
IL Ingar Lombness1953 Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | RENDALEN | Norge | |
ON Ove Nygård1962 General Manager/ Managing Director | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | SORTLAND | Norge | |
HA Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Association/club/organisation | DIGERMULEN | Norge | |
JO John Olav Skog1956 Chairman of the board | Waste and recycling | Limited company | BJERKVIK | Norge | |
AH Arvid Herfjord1955 General Manager/ Managing Director | Water and wastewater | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
TC Tonje Castberg1967 General Manager/ Managing Director | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | FYRESDAL | Norge | |
TE Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | NESODDEN | Norge | |
LJ General Manager/ Managing Director | Waste and recycling | Limited company | NARVIK | Norge | |
RH Roy Hammer1966 General Manager/ Managing Director | Waste and recycling | Limited company | LYSAKER | Norge | |
HÅ Helge Åge Matre1954 General Manager/ Managing Director | Waste and recycling | Norwegian division of foreign business enterprise | HOLMESTRAND | Norge | |
OM Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | SULITJELMA | Norge | |
Water and wastewater | Sole proprietorship | LAMPELAND | Norge | ||
MJ General Manager/ Managing Director | Waste and recycling | Sole proprietorship | OSLO | Norge | |
BN Børge Næss1979 Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | TAU | Norge | |
AI Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Association/club/organisation | LUNDEGREND | Norge | |
MA Morten Alver1979 Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | KRAGERØ | Norge | |
ML Magne Lindholm1951 Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Association/club/organisation | OSLO | Norge | |
KA Chairman of the board | Waste and recycling | Limited company | SYLLING | Norge | |
KN Ken Nicolai Reinnel Gulbrandsen1982 General Manager/ Managing Director | Water and wastewater | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
OH Ola Hefte1963 General Manager/ Managing Director | Water and wastewater | Limited company | TORPO | Norge | |
PE Per Eivind Skeid1950 Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Limited company | STABEKK | Norge | |
LB Contact person | Water and wastewater | Association/club/organisation | ØRSTA | Norge | |
EF Erik Fjærli1958 General Manager/ Managing Director | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | LARKOLLEN | Norge | |
CM Christer Mathias Gyllensteen Söderström1981 General Manager/ Managing Director | Water and wastewater | Limited company | SPYDEBERG | Norge | |
RK Reidun Kvalsvik1957 Contact person | Water and wastewater | Association/club/organisation | KJØPMANNSKJÆR | Norge | |
NH Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | SANDNES | Norge | |
KA General Manager/ Managing Director | Water and wastewater | Limited company | NESBYEN | Norge | |
TB Torgeir Brustad1989 Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | MARKABYGDA | Norge | |
OA Ole Arthur Vaage1963 General Manager/ Managing Director | Waste and recycling | Limited company | RÅDAL | Norge | |
MH Matias Hagtvedt1996 Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Company with limited liability | MEISTERVIK | Norge | |
SH Steinar Holbæk1965 General Manager/ Managing Director | Water and wastewater | Limited company | VENNESLA | Norge | |
HS Hans Sandvold1959 Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Limited company | FINNØY | Norge | |
GA Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | EIDSVÅG I ROMSDAL | Norge | |
FA General Manager/ Managing Director | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | SILSAND | Norge | |
LC General Manager/ Managing Director | Waste and recycling | Limited company | NESODDEN | Norge | |
ET Einar Tyssen1971 General Manager/ Managing Director | Waste and recycling | Limited company | LYSAKER | Norge | |
HK Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | KORSVEGEN | Norge | |
GT Guy Tommy Lennart Sjöstedt1952 Contact person | Waste and recycling | Norwegian division of foreign business enterprise | SON | Norge | |
TO Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Joint ownership according to the law of property | DALEN | Norge | |
ID Inge Daae1964 Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | SORTLAND | Norge | |
HA Hein Arve Djuve1966 Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Association/club/organisation | NESTTUN | Norge | |
ØU General Manager/ Managing Director | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | GAMLE FREDRIKSTAD | Norge | |
PB General Manager/ Managing Director | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | HAKADAL | Norge | |
PA General Manager/ Managing Director | Waste and recycling | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
PM Philip Marston1960 Contact person | Water and wastewater | Norwegian division of foreign business enterprise | NESTON CH64 3US | Storbritannia | |
JM General Manager/ Managing Director | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | BREKKVASSELV | Norge | |
WN Willy Nerdal1954 General Manager/ Managing Director | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | DALSØYRA | Norge | |
UJ Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | BERGEN | Norge | |
PØ Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | LARVIK | Norge |