50.201 Freight ocean transport1665
Keywords relevant in this category
Organizations in this category (1665)
Name | Main person | Type | Place | Country |
GP Glenn Pettersen1981 Contact person | Norwegian division of foreign business enterprise | KY1-1104 GRAND CAYMAN | Caymanøyene | |
BH Bjarte Hystad1969 Chairman of the board | Limited company | FLEKKEFJORD | Norge | |
ØG Øyvind Gjerde1962 General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | LAKSEVÅG | Norge | |
HC Helga Cotgrove1967 Chairman of the board | Limited company | BØMLO | Norge | |
JG Jarle Gjermundsen Aakredalen1969 General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
JG General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | PARADIS | Norge | |
TS Trygve Seglem1951 General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | HAUGESUND | Norge | |
BF General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | BØNES | Norge | |
AK Anita Krohn1971 Chairman of the board | Limited company | STAVANGER | Norge | |
Bankrupt estate | OSLO | Norge | ||
KA Contact person | Norwegian division of foreign business enterprise | MELBU | Norge | |
KF Kenneth Fjeld1974 Chairman of the board | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
MA Chairman of the board | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
JS Chairman of the board | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
WH Wincent Haga1958 General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | SANDVIKA | Norge | |
PD Chairman of the board | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
TB Tom Bergesen1957 Chairman of the board | Limited company | SANDEFJORD | Norge | |
Bankrupt estate | KRISTIANSAND S | Norge | ||
EH Egil Hanssen1945 Contact person | Norwegian division of foreign business enterprise | Singapore 068808 | Singapore | |
RO Roy Ove Fonnes1967 General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | FONNES | Norge | |
ØL Ørjan Lunde1975 General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | BERGEN | Norge | |
PN Chairman of the board | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
OM General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | FORSAND | Norge | |
AJ Contact person | General Partnership | ARENDAL | Norge | |
TM General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | STOREBØ | Norge | |
NA General Manager/ Managing Director | Norwegian division of foreign business enterprise | DK-5700 SVENDBORG | Danmark | |
CT Colin Trundley1962 General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
FK General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | BERGEN | Norge | |
JH Chairman of the board | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
TH General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | BERGEN | Norge | |
TH Tore Hopen1971 Chairman of the board | Limited company | BERGEN | Norge | |
WJ Chairman of the board | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
NM Chairman of the board | Limited company | STAVANGER | Norge | |
BU Bernt Ulrich August Muller1954 General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | BERGEN | Norge | |
SS Sigve Stenersen1970 Chairman of the board | Limited company | BERGEN | Norge | |
FN Frederik Nicolai Rye-Florentz1980 Chairman of the board | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
GB Geir Belsnes1963 Chairman of the board | Limited company | BERGEN | Norge | |
HC Henning Clement Skjelbred Torp1977 Chairman of the board | Limited company | SANDEFJORD | Norge | |
GJ Gunnar Jacobsen1977 General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
IA Chairman of the board | Limited company | STAVANGER | Norge | |
AN General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | STAVERN | Norge | |
BO General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | SMØLA | Norge | |
FP Fredrik Platou1984 Chairman of the board | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
JH Chairman of the board | Limited company | KRISTIANSUND N | Norge | |
AK General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | BEKKJARVIK | Norge | |
AE General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | BERGEN | Norge | |
AJ General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | KRISTIANSAND S | Norge | |
CL Carl-Wilhelm Lilleøygard Tønnevold1985 Chairman of the board | Limited company | FROLAND | Norge | |
AC Chairman of the board | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
ØL Ørjan Lunde1975 General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | BERGEN | Norge | |
BF General Manager/ Managing Director | General Partnership | KRISTIANSAND S | Norge | |
JM Chairman of the board | Limited company | NERLANDSØY | Norge | |
PS Pål Sætre1975 Chairman of the board | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
GW Gunnar William Abrahamsson1949 Contact person | Norwegian division of foreign business enterprise | |||
RW General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | BERGEN | Norge | |
TB Chairman of the board | Limited company | MÅLØY | Norge | |
TC Chairman of the board | Limited company | ØVRE ERVIK | Norge | |
JS Chairman of the board | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
AE General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | BERGEN | Norge | |
KA Chairman of the board | Limited company | LEIKANGER | Norge | |
JL General Manager/ Managing Director | Norwegian division of foreign business enterprise | |||
AJ General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
MD Chairman of the board | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
JA Jonas Alexander Advocaat Kraft1986 Chairman of the board | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
LS Chairman of the board | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
CM General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | LYSAKER | Norge | |
ES Ellen Solstad1974 General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | SKUDENESHAVN | Norge | |
MT General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
PF Chairman of the board | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
RM General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | FONNES | Norge | |
CG Christer Gangsø1980 Chairman of the board | Limited company | STABEKK | Norge | |
JL Chairman of the board | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
TH Chairman of the board | Limited company | BERGEN | Norge | |
HO General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | STAVANGER | Norge | |
LC Chairman of the board | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
AM Axel Moltzau Aas1967 Chairman of the board | Limited company | KROKKLEIVA | Norge | |
AJ General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | KRISTIANSAND S | Norge | |
ME Chairman of the board | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
AS Chairman of the board | Limited company | BERGEN | Norge | |
AB Arne Blystad1955 Chairman of the board | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
OH General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | STAVANGER | Norge | |
TG Torbjørn Gjervik1985 General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
NC Chairman of the board | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
TS Trygve Seglem1951 Chairman of the board | Limited company | HAUGESUND | Norge | |
TS General Manager/ Managing Director | General Partnership with shared liability | MOLDE | Norge | |
TC Chairman of the board | Limited company | ØVRE ERVIK | Norge | |
AB Atle Bergshaven1946 Chairman of the board | Limited company | GRIMSTAD | Norge | |
AW General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
ØB Øystein Beisland1963 General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | GRIMSTAD | Norge | |
ØB Øystein Beisland1963 General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | GRIMSTAD | Norge | |
JA Jonas Alexander Advocaat Kraft1986 Chairman of the board | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
OM Chairman of the board | Limited company | HAUGESUND | Norge | |
LP Lars Pedersen1971 Chairman of the board | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
GP Glenn Pettersen1981 Contact person | Norwegian division of foreign business enterprise | KY1-1104 GRAND CAYMAN | Caymanøyene | |
PS Pål Sætre1975 Chairman of the board | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
LC Chairman of the board | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
LC Chairman of the board | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
AH Andreas Hannevik1980 General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | GRIMSTAD | Norge | |
TS Trygve Seglem1951 Chairman of the board | Limited company | HAUGESUND | Norge | |
ST Sigbjørn Tysse1967 General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | BERGEN | Norge |