68.320 undefined10422
Keywords relevant in this category
Organizations in this category (10422)
Name | Main person | Type | Place | Country |
MR Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | HAMARVIK | Norge | |
JM Jens Marius Østby Andresen1973 General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
TV Thorbjørn Vercauteren Løvås1984 Chairman of the board | Limited company | BÅTSTØ | Norge | |
LT Lars Tore Hallan1978 Chairman of the board | Company with limited liability | STJØRDAL | Norge | |
RV Roar Vindedal1981 Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | AURLAND | Norge | |
MM Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | OVERHALLA | Norge | |
CP General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
BK Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | HALDEN | Norge | |
AK Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | DAL | Norge | |
BR Bjørn Rist1963 Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | LEKNES | Norge | |
AH Andreas Høgenes1990 Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | BJØRKELANGEN | Norge | |
KB Knut Berge1969 General Manager/ Managing Director | Co-operative | RØN | Norge | |
GH Gunnhild Håtveit1967 Chairman of the board | Joint ownership according to the law of property | |||
KS Chairman of the board | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
TS General Manager/ Managing Director | Other body corporate | OPPDAL | Norge | |
SS Ståle Svanevik1964 Chairman of the board | Limited company | LODDEFJORD | Norge | |
NE Chairman of the board | Co-operative | SKEI I JØLSTER | Norge | |
CK Christoph Kobro1982 Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | NØTTERØY | Norge | |
PK Pål Kjeldsen1960 Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | ASKER | Norge | |
AH Arne Hansen1965 Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | BØSTAD | Norge | |
AL Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | TRØGSTAD | Norge | |
JM Jon Magnus Berg1958 General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | GRIMSTAD | Norge | |
HB Harald Børstad1967 Chairman of the board | Co-operative | BYBRUA | Norge | |
JI Chairman of the board | Co-operative | OPPDAL | Norge | |
ØS Øyvind Severin Tømmerås Brandtun1983 General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | AUSTRHEIM | Norge | |
HW Helge Wennberg1963 General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | STJØRDAL | Norge | |
IH Ingolv Høyland1951 Chairman of the board | Limited company | PORSGRUNN | Norge | |
RE Chairman of the board | Co-operative | BALDERSHEIM | Norge | |
ØH Ørjan Helgheim1981 General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | LAKSEVÅG | Norge | |
BE Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | HOVIN I GAULDAL | Norge | |
KM Kent Morten Lillevoll-Øvre1975 Chairman of the board | Co-operative | TROMSØ | Norge | |
ØT Øyvind Telle1983 Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | HAGAN | Norge | |
VR Vidar Røyland1968 Chairman of the board | Joint ownership according to the law of property | FIGGJO | Norge | |
KE Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | RÅHOLT | Norge | |
EF Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | SON | Norge | |
TN General Manager/ Managing Director | Association/club/organisation | KONGSBERG | Norge | |
MA Manfred Antonius Kurtseifer1953 Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | TILLER | Norge | |
MR Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | VINTERBRO | Norge | |
GS Gunnar Svendsen1954 Chairman of the board | Limited company | BEKKESTUA | Norge | |
GA Guro Aarnes1970 General Manager/ Managing Director | Association/club/organisation | SURNADAL | Norge | |
JO Jorunn Oddny Graff Bjørnersen1946 General Manager/ Managing Director | General Partnership | JORDET | Norge | |
Sole proprietorship | PORSGRUNN | Norge | ||
BH Chairman of the board | Co-operative | ETNEDAL | Norge | |
MW Marius Wingerei1975 Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | OSLO | Norge | |
OE Olav Eide1947 General Manager/ Managing Director | General Partnership | LARVIK | Norge | |
OK Ole Kristian Fjelltun-Larsen1984 General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | LEKNES | Norge | |
RN Robert Nergård1987 Chairman of the board | Limited company | RINDAL | Norge | |
SS Ståle Svalestad1955 Chairman of the board | Co-operative | HELLELAND | Norge | |
FB Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | OSLO | Norge | |
NL Nirmalananth Labre Leonard1967 Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | EIDSVOLL | Norge | |
Sole proprietorship | MERÅKER | Norge | ||
EM Edgar Markhus1965 Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | MOSVIK | Norge | |
AF Aresh Farmani1987 Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | SØREIDGREND | Norge | |
HH Chairman of the board | Limited company | SANDSLI | Norge | |
MB Chairman of the board | Co-operative | ATRÅ | Norge | |
HØ Hans Øygarden1952 Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | OTTA | Norge | |
JO Chairman of the board | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
DG Chairman of the board | Other body corporate | |||
KJ Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | JESSHEIM | Norge | |
JS John Sponaas1967 Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | JERPSTAD | Norge | |
LF Lars Flåøyen1981 Chairman of the board | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
SV Siv Vindal1975 Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | GRANVIN | Norge | |
TH Tormod Høiseth1960 General Manager/ Managing Director | Association/club/organisation | SILJAN | Norge | |
AL Arne Lillejord1948 General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | DEKNEPOLLEN | Norge | |
KB Knut Bore1957 Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | OSLO | Norge | |
CS Chairman of the board | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
KE Chairman of the board | Co-operative | TROMSØ | Norge | |
EC Endre Caldwell1976 Chairman of the board | Co-operative | HUGLO | Norge | |
AO Astrid O Nesland1960 Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | BRÅRUD | Norge | |
NJ General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
JK Chairman of the board | Limited company | HØNEFOSS | Norge | |
SE Chairman of the board | Condominium flat owner | RANDABERG | Norge | |
OC Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | ÅLESUND | Norge | |
PA Chairman of the board | Company with limited liability | STRAUMEN | Norge | |
RP Remi Pettersen1973 Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | |||
PE Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | BUDALEN | Norge | |
TR General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | GRESSVIK | Norge | |
EM General Manager/ Managing Director | Company with limited liability | HELLESYLT | Norge | |
JA Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | MEISTERVIK | Norge | |
SF Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | BLYSTADLIA | Norge | |
OA Ole Anders Ekre1992 Chairman of the board | Co-operative | VINSTRA | Norge | |
Sole proprietorship | HORTEN | Norge | ||
OJ Olav Johre1958 General Manager/ Managing Director | Co-operative | DALEN | Norge | |
AC General Manager/ Managing Director | Co-operative | SOLBERGELVA | Norge | |
RP Ronald Pedersen1956 Chairman of the board | General Partnership | MOSS | Norge | |
OH Olav Habbestad1951 Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | FOLDRØYHAMN | Norge | |
OO Olav Overland1976 Chairman of the board | Co-operative | RISSA | Norge | |
LE Lars Even Moe1968 Chairman of the board | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
KV Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | EIVINDVIK | Norge | |
LC Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | HEMSEDAL | Norge | |
BM Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | URANGSVÅG | Norge | |
BK Bjørn Karlberg1988 Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | TUDDAL | Norge | |
AG Arnstein Granlie1957 General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
EH Erik Hannestad1959 Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | HEMNES | Norge | |
SS Stig Solberg1959 Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | GJEVING | Norge | |
AJ Are Johan Olsen1970 General Manager/ Managing Director | Association/club/organisation | HUNDVÅG | Norge | |
LK General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | OPPDAL | Norge | |
SF Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | BYRKNESØY | Norge | |
KG Kåre Gunderstad1957 Chairman of the board | Limited company | HAUGESUND | Norge | |
RØ Ragnar Østby1944 General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | LILLEHAMMER | Norge |