64.308 Captive investment companies14939
Keywords relevant in this category
Organizations in this category (14939)
Name | Main person | Type | Place | Country |
MS Chairman of the board | Limited company | SKEDSMOKORSET | Norge | |
VG Chairman of the board | Limited company | HASLUM | Norge | |
DW David Wildner1978 General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | ARENDAL | Norge | |
OT General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
IL General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | KOLBU | Norge | |
FS Finn Sundem1945 General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | STJØRDAL | Norge | |
AK General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | ÅLESUND | Norge | |
EM Elly Mari Rist1973 Chairman of the board | Limited company | BALLSTAD | Norge | |
AM Andreas Mollatt1967 Chairman of the board | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
TH Tore Hansen1968 Chairman of the board | Limited company | HOLMESTRAND | Norge | |
SB Chairman of the board | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
ES General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | STAVANGER | Norge | |
OH General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
ET Espen Tolfsen1973 General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | KRISTIANSAND S | Norge | |
HD Heidi Danby1970 General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | TOLVSRØD | Norge | |
HK Chairman of the board | Limited company | DRAMMEN | Norge | |
GN Geir Nordstad1965 Chairman of the board | Limited company | FYLLINGSDALEN | Norge | |
DE Dan Erik Linde1992 Chairman of the board | Limited company | BERGEN | Norge | |
OJ General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
MG Chairman of the board | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
MJ Chairman of the board | Limited company | PORSGRUNN | Norge | |
JO General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | STEINKJER | Norge | |
SE General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | VARHAUG | Norge | |
EJ Eystein Johannes Venneslan1965 General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | ØVRE ERVIK | Norge | |
SF Chairman of the board | Limited company | HAUGESUND | Norge | |
JA Jon Arne Solhaug1959 Chairman of the board | Limited company | AURLAND | Norge | |
SM Siri Mork1957 General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | HVALSTAD | Norge | |
CB Charlotte Bai1969 General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | HIS | Norge | |
TH Chairman of the board | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
GT Chairman of the board | Limited company | HAUGESUND | Norge | |
AO Arnt Ove Rødne1978 Chairman of the board | Limited company | SJERNARØY | Norge | |
KF Chairman of the board | Limited company | ÅS | Norge | |
PA Chairman of the board | Limited company | NESBRU | Norge | |
GK Geir Kelly1973 Chairman of the board | Limited company | DRØBAK | Norge | |
TH Trygve Hebnes1971 Chairman of the board | Limited company | AKSDAL | Norge | |
DD General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | JAR | Norge | |
TF Thomas Flogstad1976 General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | PORSGRUNN | Norge | |
HT General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | NESTTUN | Norge | |
KM Kim Morgan Krog1979 Chairman of the board | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
EF Eirik Flatebø1967 Chairman of the board | Limited company | JAR | Norge | |
SA Chairman of the board | Limited company | STRAUME | Norge | |
EF Erik Foss1954 Chairman of the board | Limited company | SOFIEMYR | Norge | |
Sole proprietorship | OSLO | Norge | ||
NK Chairman of the board | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
WC Wilhelm Christian Magelssen1978 Chairman of the board | Limited company | STABEKK | Norge | |
ØS Ørjan Sjåmo1966 Chairman of the board | Limited company | NÆRSNES | Norge | |
EM Chairman of the board | Limited company | ASKER | Norge | |
AB Arvid Bruntveit1975 General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | TAU | Norge | |
AH Arvid Hindenes1948 Chairman of the board | Limited company | EIKANGERVÅG | Norge | |
AR General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | ØSTERÅS | Norge | |
SE Steinar Eriksen1955 Chairman of the board | Limited company | HØNEFOSS | Norge | |
AK Chairman of the board | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
OM Ove Midtenget1959 General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | VESTRE GAUSDAL | Norge | |
KH Kjetil Huseby1955 Chairman of the board | Limited company | SKI | Norge | |
SR Stein Rhoar Juul1969 General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | ÅLGÅRD | Norge | |
VR Viggo Rangnes1973 General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | TRONDHEIM | Norge | |
RT Rolf Terje Borge1971 Chairman of the board | Limited company | STABEKK | Norge | |
MH Morten Harstad1967 General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | ÅMOT | Norge | |
HK Chairman of the board | Limited company | EIKSMARKA | Norge | |
TN Terje Norevik1957 General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | ÅGOTNES | Norge | |
JS Jack Sanne1944 Chairman of the board | Limited company | LØRENSKOG | Norge | |
AB General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | GJØVIK | Norge | |
KR Kjetil Røine1968 General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | LOMMEDALEN | Norge | |
JE Jan Egil Haga1953 Chairman of the board | Limited company | TROLLÅSEN | Norge | |
OA General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | STEINKJER | Norge | |
AH Atle Hanebrekke1954 General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | FLORØ | Norge | |
BT Chairman of the board | Limited company | STRAUME | Norge | |
EC Edvard Chapsang1977 Chairman of the board | Limited company | ASKER | Norge | |
BC Chairman of the board | Limited company | TRONDHEIM | Norge | |
ES Erik Shelby1969 Chairman of the board | Limited company | EGERSUND | Norge | |
TD Trond-Olav Dahl1982 Chairman of the board | Limited company | JESSHEIM | Norge | |
GO Gøran Oseberg1965 Chairman of the board | Limited company | DRAMMEN | Norge | |
AJ Chairman of the board | Limited company | SELJORD | Norge | |
TI Chairman of the board | Limited company | BERGEN | Norge | |
IW Ingeborg Wiese1957 General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
RA Rune Abrahamsen1970 General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | VANSE | Norge | |
PG Chairman of the board | Limited company | NESTTUN | Norge | |
RE Ragnhild Elisabeth Hauge Waters1964 Chairman of the board | Limited company | VÅLER I ØSTFOLD | Norge | |
RM General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | NØTTERØY | Norge | |
PG General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | FLEKKEFJORD | Norge | |
HE Helene Elisabeth Stokstad Backer1989 General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | KRISTIANSUND N | Norge | |
GS Greif Sæther1961 General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | AGDENES | Norge | |
LF Lars Frang Riise1980 General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
EK Edvard Kranstad1967 General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
KA General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | JEVNAKER | Norge | |
OM Ove Myklebust1959 Chairman of the board | Limited company | DALE I SUNNFJORD | Norge | |
FA Chairman of the board | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
OP Chairman of the board | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
TA General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | STAVANGER | Norge | |
GB Gjøran Berg1978 Chairman of the board | Limited company | RISSA | Norge | |
GU General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
KS General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | HALSNØY KLOSTER | Norge | |
TD Tore Dalen1968 Chairman of the board | Limited company | DRAMMEN | Norge | |
RK Richard Kjelbotn1985 General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | NAMSOS | Norge | |
JS Jone Stangeland1978 General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | VOLL | Norge | |
SA Chairman of the board | Limited company | SEKKEN | Norge | |
TL Tore Lokøy1970 General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | BRATTHOLMEN | Norge | |
CS Chairman of the board | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
TB Tone Brunvoll1965 Chairman of the board | Limited company | MOLDE | Norge | |
AR General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | TØNSBERG | Norge |