Banking and insurance18423
Organizations in this category (18423)
Name | Main person | Industry code | Type | Place | Country |
JG Chairman of the board | Financial fund | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
AM General Manager/ Managing Director | Financial fund | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
ES Eirik Sørgård1962 General Manager/ Managing Director | Financial fund | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
SG General Manager/ Managing Director | Financial fund | Limited company | ASKER | Norge | |
JE Chairman of the board | Financial fund | Limited company | VIKEBUKT | Norge | |
SS Sveinung Skolt1964 General Manager/ Managing Director | Financial fund | Limited company | SOFIEMYR | Norge | |
NC Chairman of the board | Financial fund | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
TK Tormod Karlsen1965 General Manager/ Managing Director | Financial fund | Limited company | BORGENHAUGEN | Norge | |
GB Gustave Brun-Lie1953 Chairman of the board | Financial fund | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
ÅG Åse Grimholt1964 Chairman of the board | Financial fund | Limited company | BØ I TELEMARK | Norge | |
TF Chairman of the board | Financial fund | Limited company | NØTTERØY | Norge | |
EF Chairman of the board | Financial fund | Limited company | TRONDHEIM | Norge | |
BH Chairman of the board | Financial fund | Limited company | SKIEN | Norge | |
GK General Manager/ Managing Director | Financial fund | Limited company | JAR | Norge | |
AS Arve Stavø1958 General Manager/ Managing Director | Financial fund | Limited company | TRONDHEIM | Norge | |
TV Terje Vallestad1969 Chairman of the board | Financial fund | Limited company | FJELL | Norge | |
EE Einar Eidesvik1981 Chairman of the board | Financial fund | Limited company | BØMLO | Norge | |
TF Tom-Arild Fagerstrand-Eidsaa1979 Chairman of the board | Financial fund | Limited company | KRISTIANSAND S | Norge | |
FS Fridtjof Scheie1975 General Manager/ Managing Director | Financial fund | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
PÅ Chairman of the board | Financial fund | Limited company | RANDABERG | Norge | |
KO Knut Olav Rød1977 General Manager/ Managing Director | Financial fund | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
AO Alf Otto Buvik1984 Chairman of the board | Financial fund | Limited company | SKEDSMOKORSET | Norge | |
KL Chairman of the board | Financial fund | Limited company | HAMAR | Norge | |
TA Tor Amundsen1967 Chairman of the board | Financial fund | Limited company | ÅRNES | Norge | |
KB General Manager/ Managing Director | Financial fund | Limited company | NESTTUN | Norge | |
OP Chairman of the board | Financial fund | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
MM Morten Mulvad Hassel Mørch1987 General Manager/ Managing Director | Financial fund | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
HK Håkon Kvile1955 General Manager/ Managing Director | Financial fund | Limited company | SKODJE | Norge | |
OF Olav Frydenberg1986 Chairman of the board | Financial fund | Limited company | REVETAL | Norge | |
LP General Manager/ Managing Director | Financial fund | Limited company | HØNEFOSS | Norge | |
KL General Manager/ Managing Director | Financial fund | Limited company | LARVIK | Norge | |
HI Harald Idland1952 General Manager/ Managing Director | Financial fund | Limited company | VIKESÅ | Norge | |
EN Erland Nørstebø1969 Chairman of the board | Financial fund | Limited company | HAGAN | Norge | |
RK General Manager/ Managing Director | Financial fund | Limited company | KRISTIANSAND S | Norge | |
ØW Chairman of the board | Financial fund | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
RA Chairman of the board | Financial fund | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
SB Silje Breimo1979 Chairman of the board | Financial fund | Limited company | MO I RANA | Norge | |
HB Henning Bjerke1972 Chairman of the board | Financial fund | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
HF Helge Frustøl1961 Chairman of the board | Financial fund | Limited company | KRISTIANSAND S | Norge | |
KL Kari Lund1958 General Manager/ Managing Director | Insurance | Other body corporate | OSLO | Norge | |
JS Jon Sofus Lerche1981 Chairman of the board | Financial fund | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
TH Tore Havdal1964 General Manager/ Managing Director | Financial fund | Limited company | MELHUS | Norge | |
KI General Manager/ Managing Director | Financial fund | Limited company | KRISTIANSAND S | Norge | |
KE General Manager/ Managing Director | Financial fund | Limited company | DRAMMEN | Norge | |
VT Vegar Tandberg1969 General Manager/ Managing Director | Financial fund | Limited company | DRAMMEN | Norge | |
HH Chairman of the board | Insurance | Limited company | RØROS | Norge | |
AH Chairman of the board | Insurance | Limited company | PORSGRUNN | Norge | |
NÅ Nils Åge Førsund1954 Chairman of the board | Financial fund | Limited company | OS | Norge | |
Financial market | Sole proprietorship | BERGEN | Norge | ||
KÅ Kurt Åge Botnan1975 General Manager/ Managing Director | Financial fund | Limited company | HELL | Norge | |
EL Espen Langeland1975 General Manager/ Managing Director | Financial fund | Limited company | BERGEN | Norge | |
LB Laine Berhan Germiso Aadland1976 Chairman of the board | Financial fund | Limited company | PARADIS | Norge | |
EC Emil Christopher Klingberg1991 Chairman of the board | Financial fund | Limited company | STAVANGER | Norge | |
CB Chairman of the board | Financial fund | Limited company | RÅDAL | Norge | |
IS Chairman of the board | Financial fund | Limited company | EIKSMARKA | Norge | |
KO Kjell Ove Hatlem1958 General Manager/ Managing Director | Financial fund | Limited company | SANDNES | Norge | |
HK Contact person | Financial fund | Unit trusts | OSLO | Norge | |
JF General Manager/ Managing Director | Financial fund | Limited company | FJERDINGBY | Norge | |
PS General Manager/ Managing Director | Financial fund | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
KL Kari Liltved1965 General Manager/ Managing Director | Financial fund | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
GL Chairman of the board | Financial fund | Limited company | SANDEFJORD | Norge | |
HV Håvard Vårvik1971 General Manager/ Managing Director | Financial fund | Limited company | STAVANGER | Norge | |
EK General Manager/ Managing Director | Financial fund | Limited company | GODVIK | Norge | |
KA Chairman of the board | Financial fund | Limited company | LODDEFJORD | Norge | |
TR Tor Revheim1957 General Manager/ Managing Director | Financial fund | Limited company | RANDABERG | Norge | |
OM Ole Martin Arnulf Lauritsen1983 General Manager/ Managing Director | Financial management | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
EG Chairman of the board | Financial fund | Limited company | TØNSBERG | Norge | |
AE Amund Eidet1982 Chairman of the board | Financial fund | Limited company | LILLESTRØM | Norge | |
AN Astrid Nordbø1976 General Manager/ Managing Director | Financial fund | Limited company | KRÅKERØY | Norge | |
WG Walther Gifstad1955 General Manager/ Managing Director | Financial fund | Limited company | TRONDHEIM | Norge | |
ØS Øivind Sæbø1959 Chairman of the board | Financial fund | Limited company | KRISTIANSAND S | Norge | |
EL General Manager/ Managing Director | Financial fund | Limited company | MELANDSJØ | Norge | |
KG Knut Gartland1962 Chairman of the board | Financial fund | Limited company | NAMSOS | Norge | |
EF Chairman of the board | Financial fund | Limited company | TRONDHEIM | Norge | |
NA General Manager/ Managing Director | Financial fund | Limited company | HASLUM | Norge | |
GJ Chairman of the board | Financial fund | Limited company | ÅKREHAMN | Norge | |
HS Chairman of the board | Financial fund | Limited company | DRØBAK | Norge | |
KV General Manager/ Managing Director | Financial fund | Limited company | TAU | Norge | |
TK Terje Kaasa1970 General Manager/ Managing Director | Financial fund | Limited company | PORSGRUNN | Norge | |
EH Elin Hammersvik1956 Chairman of the board | Financial fund | Limited company | DEKNEPOLLEN | Norge | |
GN General Manager/ Managing Director | Financial fund | Norwegian division of foreign business enterprise | OSLO | Norge | |
HG Chairman of the board | Financial fund | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
EB Ebbe Biørn-Lian1968 General Manager/ Managing Director | Financial fund | Limited company | HAGAN | Norge | |
RT General Manager/ Managing Director | Financial fund | Limited company | SANDEFJORD | Norge | |
EA Espen Auestad1979 General Manager/ Managing Director | Financial fund | Limited company | KLEPP STASJON | Norge | |
TM Chairman of the board | Financial fund | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
RA Rolf Arve Foss1963 Chairman of the board | Financial fund | Limited company | TANEM | Norge | |
KØ Kari Øie Nilsen1987 General Manager/ Managing Director | Financial fund | Limited company | ØYER | Norge | |
AM Chairman of the board | Financial fund | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
BE Chairman of the board | Financial fund | Limited company | DRAMMEN | Norge | |
EK General Manager/ Managing Director | Financial fund | Limited company | PARADIS | Norge | |
KT Kjetil Tveit1985 Chairman of the board | Financial fund | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
HH Hege Hammersland1974 Chairman of the board | Financial fund | Limited company | ARNATVEIT | Norge | |
SP Sølvi Porsmo1955 Chairman of the board | Financial fund | Limited company | STAVANGER | Norge | |
KS Kåre Stangeland1955 General Manager/ Managing Director | Financial fund | Limited company | SANDNES | Norge | |
EF Chairman of the board | Financial fund | Limited company | TRONDHEIM | Norge | |
SK Stian Karlsen1975 Chairman of the board | Financial fund | Limited company | ASKER | Norge | |
BL Benedicte Løge1976 General Manager/ Managing Director | Financial fund | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
KF Kirsten Fossli1968 General Manager/ Managing Director | Financial fund | Limited company | FROSTA | Norge | |
ED Erik Danielsen1980 General Manager/ Managing Director | Financial fund | Limited company | OSLO | Norge |