Water, sewage and waste disposal660
Organizations in this category (660)
Name | Main person | Industry code | Type | Place | Country |
DM General Manager/ Managing Director | Waste and recycling | Limited company | TANANGER | Norge | |
ØB General Manager/ Managing Director | Waste and recycling | Limited company | SKIBOTN | Norge | |
TL General Manager/ Managing Director | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | NES PÅ HEDMARKEN | Norge | |
TW Trygve Wilhelm Wagner Myrer1976 Chairman of the board | Waste and recycling | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
VI General Manager/ Managing Director | Waste and recycling | Limited company | GRIMSTAD | Norge | |
LB Luc Bodet1974 Contact person | Waste and recycling | Norwegian division of foreign business enterprise | FR-75001 PARIS | Frankrike | |
BR Bjørn Rosenberg1965 General Manager/ Managing Director | Waste and recycling | Limited company | HAMAR | Norge | |
RB General Manager/ Managing Director | Water and wastewater | Association/club/organisation | OSLO | Norge | |
TF General Manager/ Managing Director | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | HALDEN | Norge | |
RN Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | FINNØY | Norge | |
HA Halvor Aas1973 Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Limited company | HOLMSBU | Norge | |
HL Håvar Løberg1952 General Manager/ Managing Director | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | GIBOSTAD | Norge | |
SL Snorre Løvstad1970 General Manager/ Managing Director | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | VERDAL | Norge | |
NR Nora Rustad1961 Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Limited company | TØNSBERG | Norge | |
MØ Marianne Øveraas1958 General Manager/ Managing Director | Waste and recycling | Limited company | VESTNES | Norge | |
Waste and recycling | Sole proprietorship | SKI | Norge | ||
TO General Manager/ Managing Director | Waste and recycling | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
PK Pål Kristen Habostad Orheim1972 Chairman of the board | Waste and recycling | Limited company | STRANDA | Norge | |
HP General Manager/ Managing Director | Waste and recycling | Organisational section | OSLO | Norge | |
GI Gøran Iversen1971 General Manager/ Managing Director | Water and wastewater | Association/club/organisation | MELBU | Norge | |
SO General Manager/ Managing Director | Waste and recycling | Limited company | NOTODDEN | Norge | |
SJ Chairman of the board | Waste and recycling | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
EO Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | AREMARK | Norge | |
AS Are Sætre1972 Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | NAMNÅ | Norge | |
KT Kirsti Tønnessen1967 General Manager/ Managing Director | Waste and recycling | Limited company | STAVANGER | Norge | |
MO Marit Oddny Nikolaisen Klokk1959 Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Association/club/organisation | |||
GM Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Association/club/organisation | SOKNEDAL | Norge | |
OO Ola Olafsen1970 General Manager/ Managing Director | Waste and recycling | Limited company | SANDEFJORD | Norge | |
ØA Contact person | Water and wastewater | Norwegian division of foreign business enterprise | 9220 AALBORG ØST | Danmark | |
IH Ivan Holtås1973 Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | EVENSKJER | Norge | |
OG Ola Gjone Kvale1985 General Manager/ Managing Director | Water and wastewater | Limited company | HOKKSUND | Norge | |
EL Espen Lindvåg1981 Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Association/club/organisation | |||
AS Aina Synnøve Vik Danielsen1958 Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Association/club/organisation | NORDFOLD | Norge | |
RL Rune Lund1960 General Manager/ Managing Director | Waste and recycling | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
SK Stian Kraggerud1982 Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Association/club/organisation | GRAN | Norge | |
AA General Manager/ Managing Director | Waste and recycling | Limited company | HELL | Norge | |
TØ General Manager/ Managing Director | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | SKONSENG | Norge | |
TK Thomas Knudsen1972 General Manager/ Managing Director | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | LILLESTRØM | Norge | |
JH Jan Hoff1949 Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Association/club/organisation | ÅSENFJORD | Norge | |
Water and wastewater | Sole proprietorship | SPIKKESTAD | Norge | ||
MS Magne Stig Remme1961 Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | BRATTVÅG | Norge | |
EH Espen Holmen1970 Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Limited company | KABELVÅG | Norge | |
RJ Reidar Jensen1951 Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Association/club/organisation | LYNGSEIDET | Norge | |
OA Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | STRØNSTAD | Norge | |
TB Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Limited company | BUVIKA | Norge | |
JM General Manager/ Managing Director | Waste and recycling | Limited company | SPILLUM | Norge | |
KD Kjetil Dragesæt1958 Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | RANDABERG | Norge | |
TG Tor Gunnar Enger1973 General Manager/ Managing Director | Waste and recycling | Limited company | HAMAR | Norge | |
LM Lars Merakerås1964 General Manager/ Managing Director | Waste and recycling | Limited company | RAUDSAND | Norge | |
JL Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | VIKEBUKT | Norge | |
JE Jan Erik Engan1962 Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | SOFIEMYR | Norge | |
KS Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Association/club/organisation | FITJAR | Norge | |
PO Per Ole Justad1964 General Manager/ Managing Director | Water and wastewater | Limited company | FILTVET | Norge | |
SI Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | NORDTVEITGREND | Norge | |
MI General Manager/ Managing Director | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | NAMSSKOGAN | Norge | |
PH Per Harald Olsen1965 General Manager/ Managing Director | Water and wastewater | Limited company | TROMSØ | Norge | |
KN Knut Nordseth1949 Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | RENDALEN | Norge | |
JA Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | ÅRNES | Norge | |
HW General Manager/ Managing Director | Waste and recycling | Sole proprietorship | REINSVOLL | Norge | |
TH Tore Haga1957 General Manager/ Managing Director | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | GAMLE FREDRIKSTAD | Norge | |
TL Terje Lien1954 General Manager/ Managing Director | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | HØNEFOSS | Norge | |
AI Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | SVELVIK | Norge | |
IH Ivar Henning Christofer Fett1945 Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Limited company | HAFRSFJORD | Norge | |
JL Jorulv Liaklev1947 General Manager/ Managing Director | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | VERDAL | Norge | |
OB Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Association/club/organisation | HOMMELVIK | Norge | |
TS Terje Strøm1961 General Manager/ Managing Director | Waste and recycling | Limited company | BERGEN | Norge | |
OC Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | HUNDVÅG | Norge | |
JH Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | SNILLFJORD | Norge | |
Waste and recycling | Sole proprietorship | SKJEBERG | Norge | ||
OK Ole Kristian Vik1967 Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | BUVIKA | Norge | |
OW Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | VÅLE | Norge | |
EA Eivind Akervold1961 General Manager/ Managing Director | Water and wastewater | Limited company | FAGERNES | Norge | |
RS General Manager/ Managing Director | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | RAUDEBERG | Norge | |
AT Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Joint ownership according to the law of property | |||
TK Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Limited company | GOL | Norge | |
ØA Øyvind Aukrust1956 General Manager/ Managing Director | Water and wastewater | Association/club/organisation | GJERDINGA | Norge | |
LH Lars Havrevold1952 Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | OSLO | Norge | |
HO Harald Ottem1972 General Manager/ Managing Director | Waste and recycling | Limited company | SUNNDALSØRA | Norge | |
TS Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | BUD | Norge | |
SI Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | VISTDAL | Norge | |
AF Chairman of the board | Waste and recycling | Limited company | LYSAKER | Norge | |
RW Roger Wilhelmsen1960 General Manager/ Managing Director | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | GRESSVIK | Norge | |
JÅ Jan Åge Risli1976 Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Association/club/organisation | FANNREM | Norge | |
EO General Manager/ Managing Director | Waste and recycling | Limited company | LEVANGER | Norge | |
IH Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Association/club/organisation | HEIMDAL | Norge | |
AF Anders Fjeldal1947 Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Association/club/organisation | KLAVESTADHAUGEN | Norge | |
BE Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Association/club/organisation | OPPDAL | Norge | |
Waste and recycling | Sole proprietorship | HORTEN | Norge | ||
ØS General Manager/ Managing Director | Waste and recycling | Limited company | LØKEN | Norge | |
KT Kristian Tangen1968 Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | DRØBAK | Norge | |
GW Geir Waagene1978 General Manager/ Managing Director | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | ATLØY | Norge | |
EL Even Lærum1969 Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Association/club/organisation | SANDE I VESTFOLD | Norge | |
TØ General Manager/ Managing Director | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | ENGAN | Norge | |
FT Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | ENGERDAL | Norge | |
HA Harald Alvavoll1979 Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | LOFTHUS | Norge | |
RR Raymond Reime1986 General Manager/ Managing Director | Waste and recycling | Limited company | EGERSUND | Norge | |
LM General Manager/ Managing Director | Waste and recycling | Limited company | ØRSTA | Norge | |
TS General Manager/ Managing Director | Waste and recycling | Limited company | JESSHEIM | Norge | |
KK Kai Krüger1951 General Manager/ Managing Director | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | STABEKK | Norge | |
Waste and recycling | Sole proprietorship | BRANDASUND | Norge |