Water, sewage and waste disposal1160
Organizations in this category (1160)
Name | Main person | Industry code | Type | Place | Country |
TK Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | RAMNES | Norge | |
TØ Tommy Ølmheim1972 General Manager/ Managing Director | Waste and recycling | Limited company | HØYANGER | Norge | |
MB Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | BØSTAD | Norge | |
TH Trond Hofmann1966 General Manager/ Managing Director | Waste and recycling | Limited company | SVELVIK | Norge | |
Waste and recycling | Sole proprietorship | AREMARK | Norge | ||
AH General Manager/ Managing Director | Water and wastewater | Company with limited liability | LURØY | Norge | |
ØP General Manager/ Managing Director | Waste and recycling | Limited company | ÅLESUND | Norge | |
EM Erik Meisingset1979 Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Association/club/organisation | ØVRE SURNADAL | Norge | |
TV General Manager/ Managing Director | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | DRAMMEN | Norge | |
RP Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Association/club/organisation | STRAUMGJERDE | Norge | |
TA Tove Albrigtsen1968 General Manager/ Managing Director | Waste and recycling | Limited company | SANDTORG | Norge | |
BS Bjørn Sølberg1950 Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Association/club/organisation | TRONDHEIM | Norge | |
LB General Manager/ Managing Director | Water and wastewater | Company with limited liability | HOKKSUND | Norge | |
PH Per-Martin Haugland Klaussen1976 General Manager/ Managing Director | Water and wastewater | Limited company | HARSTAD | Norge | |
TH Truls Hauge1946 Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | VOSS | Norge | |
TI General Manager/ Managing Director | Waste and recycling | Limited company | NARVIK | Norge | |
JV Jens Vidar Sunde1967 General Manager/ Managing Director | Waste and recycling | Limited company | ØVRE ÅRDAL | Norge | |
PM General Manager/ Managing Director | Water and wastewater | Limited company | ULVIK | Norge | |
Waste and recycling | Sole proprietorship | MJØNDALEN | Norge | ||
AH Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Association/club/organisation | VESTRE GAUSDAL | Norge | |
SA Chairman of the board | Waste and recycling | Limited company | SUNDBYFOSS | Norge | |
AG General Manager/ Managing Director | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | VANVIKAN | Norge | |
HR Hilde Rønning1956 General Manager/ Managing Director | Waste and recycling | Limited company | HEGGEDAL | Norge | |
PO Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | HOMMERSÅK | Norge | |
LA General Manager/ Managing Director | Water and wastewater | Limited company | TISTEDAL | Norge | |
MW Marius Werner1996 General Manager/ Managing Director | Waste and recycling | Sole proprietorship | ÅROS | Norge | |
LC Chairman of the board | Waste and recycling | Limited company | NESODDTANGEN | Norge | |
RC Raymond Carlsen1955 Chairman of the board | Waste and recycling | Limited company | ASKER | Norge | |
SK Sten Ketil Eid1946 Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Association/club/organisation | ÅLEN | Norge | |
OM General Manager/ Managing Director | Waste and recycling | Limited company | AVALDSNES | Norge | |
RK Roger Kjellmann1965 General Manager/ Managing Director | Waste and recycling | Limited company | ALTA | Norge | |
ØD Øystein Dahl1974 General Manager/ Managing Director | Waste and recycling | Limited company | MANDAL | Norge | |
HC Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | HOVDEN I SETESDAL | Norge | |
AV General Manager/ Managing Director | Water and wastewater | Limited company | ARENDAL | Norge | |
TW Terje Wilhelmsen1969 General Manager/ Managing Director | Waste and recycling | Limited company | LYSAKER | Norge | |
OK Ole Kristian Aas1962 General Manager/ Managing Director | Waste and recycling | Limited company | MOSJØEN | Norge | |
JB Jørgen Bøhle1963 General Manager/ Managing Director | Waste and recycling | Limited company | SKIEN | Norge | |
RL Roar Løken1953 Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | SPERREBOTN | Norge | |
RT Ring Tore Teigen1965 Chairman of the board | Waste and recycling | Limited company | HAUGLANDSHELLA | Norge | |
HF Haakon Falkum1978 Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Limited company | LYNGDAL | Norge | |
Waste and recycling | Sole proprietorship | RØDØY | Norge | ||
TH Thorleif Holme1948 General Manager/ Managing Director | Waste and recycling | General Partnership | FANA | Norge | |
PW Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Association/club/organisation | KONGSBERG | Norge | |
BC Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | OSLO | Norge | |
CJ General Manager/ Managing Director | Waste and recycling | Limited company | TRONDHEIM | Norge | |
RM Rune Mjanger1953 General Manager/ Managing Director | Water and wastewater | Association/club/organisation | BERGEN | Norge | |
KM Kathinka Mohn1960 Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | HØNEFOSS | Norge | |
AE Anders Endal1978 Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | HAGAN | Norge | |
AE Are Evang1974 Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Association/club/organisation | TROMSØ | Norge | |
HS Harald Skorgevik1967 General Manager/ Managing Director | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | ELLINGSØY | Norge | |
TL Tore Lundestad1962 General Manager/ Managing Director | Waste and recycling | Limited company | GAMLE FREDRIKSTAD | Norge | |
JO Jan Otto Eriksen1954 Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Company with limited liability | OTTEID | Norge | |
GH Gunnar Harstad1954 Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Association/club/organisation | HJELLEDALEN | Norge | |
Water and wastewater | Sole proprietorship | SØR-FRON | Norge | ||
GI Geir Ivar Raknem1954 General Manager/ Managing Director | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | MÅNDALEN | Norge | |
JL Jostein Lundeby1986 Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | RÅDE | Norge | |
KE Kjartan Eggebø1991 General Manager/ Managing Director | Waste and recycling | Limited company | SANDNES | Norge | |
PA Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | FLATANGER | Norge | |
TØ General Manager/ Managing Director | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | GODVIK | Norge | |
SA Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | SKJEBERG | Norge | |
TS Torgunn Sætre1966 General Manager/ Managing Director | Water and wastewater | Inter-municipal company | STRØMMEN | Norge | |
AR Arne Roy Herland1970 General Manager/ Managing Director | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | ATLØY | Norge | |
MB Monica Bonescu1981 General Manager/ Managing Director | Waste and recycling | Sole proprietorship | KLOKKARSTUA | Norge | |
AP Alf Per Johansen1939 General Manager/ Managing Director | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | HENNINGSVÆR | Norge | |
OE Ole Emil Setvik1945 Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Association/club/organisation | MISVÆR | Norge | |
JD John Dirdal1961 Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | KONGSBERG | Norge | |
AK Arne Karlstrøm1963 Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Company with limited liability | LANGFJORDBOTN | Norge | |
TØ Terje Østvoll1972 Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Limited company | SANDNES | Norge | |
PA Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Limited company | DRØBAK | Norge | |
SH Sjur Hamre1954 Contact person | Water and wastewater | Association/club/organisation | GRANVIN | Norge | |
KI Kim Ivan Tunge1967 General Manager/ Managing Director | Water and wastewater | Limited company | RANDABERG | Norge | |
DE Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | BORGENHAUGEN | Norge | |
TM Tone Midttun1949 Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | RÅDAL | Norge | |
SH Svein Holtedahl1942 General Manager/ Managing Director | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | SANDEFJORD | Norge | |
HJ Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | SANDE I VESTFOLD | Norge | |
AA Asbjørn Arnt Bye1953 General Manager/ Managing Director | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | SKUTVIK | Norge | |
HL Hallvard Ligård1985 Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | ALVDAL | Norge | |
TP Tor Peter Barfod1961 General Manager/ Managing Director | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | HEGGEDAL | Norge | |
PK Pål Kvernberg1951 General Manager/ Managing Director | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | HØNEFOSS | Norge | |
HS Halvard Schatvet1956 General Manager/ Managing Director | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | GAN | Norge | |
JR General Manager/ Managing Director | Waste and recycling | Sole proprietorship | ASKIM | Norge | |
SA Svein Alfstad1965 General Manager/ Managing Director | Waste and recycling | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
HN Helge Nilsen1952 General Manager/ Managing Director | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | ÅFJORD | Norge | |
AS Ashfaq Sadiq1969 General Manager/ Managing Director | Waste and recycling | Limited company | GJØVIK | Norge | |
TM Torger Martin Kopland Terum1982 Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Limited company | HOKKSUND | Norge | |
JA Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Association/club/organisation | TRONES | Norge | |
CF Carsten Furuseth1960 General Manager/ Managing Director | Water and wastewater | Company with limited liability | RAMNES | Norge | |
EF Erling Fjelldal1961 General Manager/ Managing Director | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | PASVIK | Norge | |
Waste and recycling | Sole proprietorship | RONG | Norge | ||
FJ Frank Justad1966 Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Association/club/organisation | SUNDØY | Norge | |
MH General Manager/ Managing Director | Waste and recycling | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
RT General Manager/ Managing Director | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | SANDE I VESTFOLD | Norge | |
KH Kåre Herrem1970 General Manager/ Managing Director | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | STORÅS | Norge | |
ØS Øivind Sann1968 General Manager/ Managing Director | Waste and recycling | Limited company | MOSS | Norge | |
KI General Manager/ Managing Director | Water and wastewater | Company with limited liability | NYGÅRDSJØEN | Norge | |
CM Christer Mathias Gyllensteen Söderström1981 General Manager/ Managing Director | Water and wastewater | Limited company | ASKIM | Norge | |
BF Bjørnar Fløystad1960 Contact person | Waste and recycling | General Partnership | VANNAREID | Norge | |
TF General Manager/ Managing Director | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | MOELV | Norge | |
RL Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | ANDEBU | Norge | |
KC Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Association/club/organisation | KORNSJØ | Norge |