Water, sewage and waste disposal2260
Organizations in this category (2260)
Name | Main person | Industry code | Type | Place | Country |
GD Geir Dørsdal1954 Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | RISØR | Norge | |
KH Kjell Hæve1972 Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | ASK | Norge | |
SC Sargon Chanko1972 Contact person | Waste and recycling | Norwegian division of foreign business enterprise | SE-64151 KATRINEHOLM | Sverige | |
OK General Manager/ Managing Director | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | AUSTVATN | Norge | |
TO Tor Ove Sagstad1963 General Manager/ Managing Director | Waste and recycling | Limited company | LYNGDAL | Norge | |
JB Jostein Brekka1964 Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | STATHELLE | Norge | |
GM Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Association/club/organisation | KRÅKERØY | Norge | |
TA Trond Andersen1971 General Manager/ Managing Director | Waste and recycling | Limited company | INDRE ARNA | Norge | |
TS Trond Sandboe1958 General Manager/ Managing Director | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | STAVERN | Norge | |
RS Remi Sjåvik1980 General Manager/ Managing Director | Water and wastewater | Company with limited liability | JEKTVIK | Norge | |
HG Chairman of the board | Waste and recycling | Limited company | LYSAKER | Norge | |
TJ General Manager/ Managing Director | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | HØYLANDSBYGD | Norge | |
FL Frode Lillesand1963 General Manager/ Managing Director | Waste and recycling | Limited company | ORKANGER | Norge | |
PA General Manager/ Managing Director | Water and wastewater | Association/club/organisation | ELLINGSØY | Norge | |
TF Tore Fløan1968 General Manager/ Managing Director | Waste and recycling | Limited company | VERDAL | Norge | |
PO Patrick Olsen1984 General Manager/ Managing Director | Waste and recycling | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
KK Kjell Kjeka1952 Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Association/club/organisation | ARNAVIK | Norge | |
WE General Manager/ Managing Director | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | SANDE I VESTFOLD | Norge | |
KD Kåre Dæmring1950 General Manager/ Managing Director | Water and wastewater | Association/club/organisation | ARNATVEIT | Norge | |
GB Guttorm Bentdal1965 Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | DOMBÅS | Norge | |
MI Mette Ingeborgdatter Wikborg1963 Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | TJØME | Norge | |
AC General Manager/ Managing Director | Water and wastewater | Limited company | TOLVSRØD | Norge | |
PC Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Limited company | TOFTE | Norge | |
TJ Trygve Jacobsen1946 General Manager/ Managing Director | Water and wastewater | Limited company | STAVANGER | Norge | |
AØ Arve Øverland1973 General Manager/ Managing Director | Waste and recycling | Limited company | TANA | Norge | |
AT Audun Tellnes1957 Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | ÅGOTNES | Norge | |
SN Stian Nytveit1992 Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Association/club/organisation | BRATTHOLMEN | Norge | |
EW General Manager/ Managing Director | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | SNARØYA | Norge | |
LK General Manager/ Managing Director | Water and wastewater | Limited company | SILSAND | Norge | |
ST Silvia Tøsse1976 General Manager/ Managing Director | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | EIDE | Norge | |
ØA General Manager/ Managing Director | Waste and recycling | Limited company | BODØ | Norge | |
TJ Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Association/club/organisation | SANDE I VESTFOLD | Norge | |
AM Arild Meslo1974 Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Association/club/organisation | FANNREM | Norge | |
VJ Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | HADDAL | Norge | |
HC General Manager/ Managing Director | Waste and recycling | Limited company | MANDAL | Norge | |
NF Nils Fystro1968 Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Association/club/organisation | LEIRA I VALDRES | Norge | |
BL Bjørn Lier1959 Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | ÅSVANG | Norge | |
HE Hermod Eilertsen1954 General Manager/ Managing Director | Water and wastewater | Association/club/organisation | FINNSNES | Norge | |
DL Didrik Leonard Kristoffersen Havasgaard1993 General Manager/ Managing Director | Waste and recycling | Sole proprietorship | SANDEFJORD | Norge | |
KA Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Company with limited liability | FLISA | Norge | |
KG Kari Gilje Ask1991 Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Association/club/organisation | SANDNES | Norge | |
IA Ivar Arnesen1951 General Manager/ Managing Director | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | SYVDE | Norge | |
BJ Bernt Johan Berg1953 General Manager/ Managing Director | Waste and recycling | Limited company | ALTA | Norge | |
EB Chairman of the board | Waste and recycling | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
Waste and recycling | Sole proprietorship | ASKIM | Norge | ||
JG Jone Grimstad1965 Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | STAVANGER | Norge | |
PH Per Halvorsen1943 General Manager/ Managing Director | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | FREDRIKSTAD | Norge | |
BT Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Association/club/organisation | RINDAL | Norge | |
KA Kenneth Arnesen1977 Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Association/club/organisation | PORSGRUNN | Norge | |
ER Egil Rønning1950 Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Association/club/organisation | RENA | Norge | |
Waste and recycling | Sole proprietorship | EIDSFOSS | Norge | ||
TL Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | STATHELLE | Norge | |
TP General Manager/ Managing Director | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | SKI | Norge | |
ØF Øyvind Fanebust1979 Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | ALVDAL | Norge | |
RB Roger Brakstad1975 Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Association/club/organisation | LODDEFJORD | Norge | |
JG General Manager/ Managing Director | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | SPERREBOTN | Norge | |
PM General Manager/ Managing Director | Waste and recycling | Limited company | NESTTUN | Norge | |
BO Bjørn Otto Hauge1962 Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Association/club/organisation | UTVIK | Norge | |
OK Oddbjørn Kylland1975 General Manager/ Managing Director | Waste and recycling | Inter-municipal company | LILLESAND | Norge | |
SB Stian Bekkeseth1974 General Manager/ Managing Director | Waste and recycling | Limited company | UVDAL | Norge | |
TF General Manager/ Managing Director | Waste and recycling | Inter-municipal company | HUNNDALEN | Norge | |
AS General Manager/ Managing Director | Water and wastewater | Association/club/organisation | TISTEDAL | Norge | |
OP Contact person | Water and wastewater | General Partnership with shared liability | DRØBAK | Norge | |
SF Simon Flodin1967 Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Limited company | KRÅKERØY | Norge | |
AM General Manager/ Managing Director | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | GJEVING | Norge | |
Waste and recycling | Sole proprietorship | ÅRNES | Norge | ||
JI Jørn Iversen1958 Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Association/club/organisation | ALTA | Norge | |
LB Linda Berg1961 General Manager/ Managing Director | Water and wastewater | Association/club/organisation | KVALFJORD | Norge | |
KB General Manager/ Managing Director | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | LIER | Norge | |
VF Vidar Frydenlund1957 General Manager/ Managing Director | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | HALDEN | Norge | |
JJ Jarle Johansen1956 General Manager/ Managing Director | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | BOTNHAMN | Norge | |
IN Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Limited company | RISØR | Norge | |
TB Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | MANSTAD | Norge | |
HR Chairman of the board | Waste and recycling | Limited company | STAVANGER | Norge | |
SK Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Association/club/organisation | AUSTEFJORDEN | Norge | |
EP General Manager/ Managing Director | Waste and recycling | Limited company | ØYDEGARD | Norge | |
ME Mats Eriksen2000 General Manager/ Managing Director | Waste and recycling | Sole proprietorship | TRONDHEIM | Norge | |
TK Terje Krogstad1950 General Manager/ Managing Director | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | EKNE | Norge | |
ØS Øyvind Sand1954 Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Association/club/organisation | MELANDSJØ | Norge | |
MN Morten Nerli1973 Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | ODNES | Norge | |
MR Marianne Reitan1992 Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | ERESFJORD | Norge | |
CT Cato Tennøy1971 General Manager/ Managing Director | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | SANDE I VESTFOLD | Norge | |
BB Bjarne Bolstad1973 General Manager/ Managing Director | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | BOLSTADØYRI | Norge | |
ME Mads Enebakk1971 General Manager/ Managing Director | Waste and recycling | Limited company | HUSBYSJØEN | Norge | |
FR Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | OSLO | Norge | |
ØL Øystein Lie1968 General Manager/ Managing Director | Waste and recycling | Limited company | STJØRDAL | Norge | |
PH Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Association/club/organisation | LØKEN | Norge | |
ES Egil Solheim1968 General Manager/ Managing Director | Waste and recycling | Limited company | HAKADAL | Norge | |
JF Jon-Otto Follesø1956 Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | ØRSKOG | Norge | |
Waste and recycling | Sole proprietorship | LITLAKALSØY | Norge | ||
HW Helge Wangen1968 Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | ELVERUM | Norge | |
KA Kjell Amund Rogn1964 General Manager/ Managing Director | Water and wastewater | Association/club/organisation | |||
CK Christian Kluge1981 Contact person | Waste and recycling | Norwegian division of foreign business enterprise | CH-8232 MERISHAUSEN | Sveits | |
HT Hallgeir Thorsen1957 General Manager/ Managing Director | Water and wastewater | Association/club/organisation | DOKKA | Norge | |
LA Leif Agnar Berg1960 Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | VASSENDEN | Norge | |
TT Trond Thoreid1955 General Manager/ Managing Director | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | BLAKER | Norge | |
AT Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Association/club/organisation | HOF | Norge | |
HS General Manager/ Managing Director | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | VESTRE VINNESVÅG | Norge | |
AJ Chairman of the board | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | DRØBAK | Norge | |
KE General Manager/ Managing Director | Water and wastewater | Co-operative | HAMNVIK | Norge |