68.201 House cooperative8054
Organizations in this category (8054)
Name | Main person | Type | Place | Country |
TL Torbjørn Lyngås1949 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | VERDAL | Norge | |
HM Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | OSLO | Norge | |
LI Lisbeth Isaksen1952 Chairman of the board | Condominium flat owner | KRÅKERØY | Norge | |
MW Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | OSLO | Norge | |
KS Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | LEKNES | Norge | |
SL Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | TRONDHEIM | Norge | |
KA Kari Anthun1947 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | HORTEN | Norge | |
SI Sissel Irene Blunck Eriksen1967 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | KONGSVINGER | Norge | |
FD Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | LARVIK | Norge | |
LA Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | VERDAL | Norge | |
CE Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | DRAMMEN | Norge | |
RO Roger Otting1966 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | STAVANGER | Norge | |
RE Renate Engedahl1972 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | MOSS | Norge | |
SH Stine Høiby1983 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | KRISTIANSAND S | Norge | |
FR Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | SARPSBORG | Norge | |
VG Venche Gavrilov1961 Chairman of the board | Condominium flat owner | KRÅKERØY | Norge | |
LÅ Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | RJUKAN | Norge | |
IS Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | OSLO | Norge | |
RF Robert Fonn1968 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | FØRDE | Norge | |
VW Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | KRISTIANSAND S | Norge | |
JL Jan-Erik Larsen Heggholmen1982 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | BERGEN | Norge | |
DJ Dag Jonassen1947 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | ARENDAL | Norge | |
CL Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | OSLO | Norge | |
JM Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | PORSGRUNN | Norge | |
AG Asbjørn Grindvik1957 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | BERGEN | Norge | |
AS Arne Sund1971 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | OSLO | Norge | |
SM Sondre Mikalsen1988 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | TILLER | Norge | |
LJ Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | FREDRIKSTAD | Norge | |
ME Maria Elisabeth Israelsson1982 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | OSLO | Norge | |
JP Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | PORSGRUNN | Norge | |
DO Dag Otto Koppang1960 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | SAGVÅG | Norge | |
AB Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | TRONDHEIM | Norge | |
IN Ivar Nistad1948 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | ODDA | Norge | |
MR Morten Ruud1970 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | MYSEN | Norge | |
IO Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | OSLO | Norge | |
AB Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | STAVANGER | Norge | |
GA Gunnar Alternes1951 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | DRAMMEN | Norge | |
MS Magni Skårhaug1958 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | BERGEN | Norge | |
TM Chairman of the board | Condominium flat owner | TROMSØ | Norge | |
FM Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | SKIEN | Norge | |
NE Nataniel Eide1999 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | FØRDE | Norge | |
HM Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | PORSGRUNN | Norge | |
TM Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | OSLO | Norge | |
LS Lasse Stalsberg1963 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | PORSGRUNN | Norge | |
KF Kurt Figenschau1978 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | HARSTAD | Norge | |
TD Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | RJUKAN | Norge | |
AA Arne Aas1953 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | MOSS | Norge | |
OF Oddlaug Franche1955 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | PORSGRUNN | Norge | |
KJ Knut Jan Nielsen1955 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | OSLO | Norge | |
MG Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | DRAMMEN | Norge | |
MØ Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | BERGEN | Norge | |
CH Cecilie Halland1973 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | TRONDHEIM | Norge | |
SR Sunniva Reidulfsdatter Bjelde1992 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | PORSGRUNN | Norge | |
AO Anders Oxaas1969 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | KRISTIANSUND N | Norge | |
TM Terje Martinsen1967 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | STOKMARKNES | Norge | |
PD Petter Doksheim1985 Chairman of the board | Condominium flat owner | OSLO | Norge | |
TS Thomas Sætran1978 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | TRONDHEIM | Norge | |
SS Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | TRONDHEIM | Norge | |
JT Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | HJELLESTAD | Norge | |
EJ General Manager/ Managing Director | Housing cooperative | SUNNDALSØRA | Norge | |
MC Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | NITTEDAL | Norge | |
AH Asgeir Høimoen1991 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | HAMAR | Norge | |
AJ Arvid Johannesen1957 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | STOKKE | Norge | |
CR Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | TRONDHEIM | Norge | |
TT Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | BERGEN | Norge | |
KL Kristoffer Lorentzen Epland1989 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | OSLO | Norge | |
SJ Sten Juliussen1960 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | TRONDHEIM | Norge | |
HM Hanne Mørch1994 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | STAVANGER | Norge | |
AM Chairman of the board | Joint ownership according to the law of property | OSLO | Norge | |
KR Kay Rune Larsen1950 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | SØGNE | Norge | |
FI Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | ÅLESUND | Norge | |
EL Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | FREDRIKSTAD | Norge | |
JE Chairman of the board | Condominium flat owner | TØNSBERG | Norge | |
IV Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | ARENDAL | Norge | |
JB Jørn Borge1966 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | STOKKE | Norge | |
OM Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | OSLO | Norge | |
NT Nils Tveite1950 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | VOSSESTRAND | Norge | |
SS Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | KRISTIANSUND N | Norge | |
GL Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | LARVIK | Norge | |
AL Anders Larmerud1948 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | OSLO | Norge | |
SI Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | HOMMELVIK | Norge | |
HB Chairman of the board | Condominium flat owner | OSLO | Norge | |
AE Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | HARSTAD | Norge | |
EN Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | TROMSØ | Norge | |
ØM Øyvind Myrland1993 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | SVOLVÆR | Norge | |
MB Magne Bjerva1959 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | PORSGRUNN | Norge | |
SR Sander Rosøy1993 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | BERGEN | Norge | |
ES Elias Smith1997 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | DRAMMEN | Norge | |
JW Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | PORSGRUNN | Norge | |
LG Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | SANDE I SUNNFJORD | Norge | |
TH Thorvald Hestnes1959 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | TØNSBERG | Norge | |
BB Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | ALTA | Norge | |
BL Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | TROMSØ | Norge | |
AK Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | MO I RANA | Norge | |
JS Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | STAVANGER | Norge | |
TB Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | ROLVSØY | Norge | |
VG Vegar Guddingsmo1980 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | HORTEN | Norge | |
TB Trygve Bentsen1956 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | HAUGESUND | Norge | |
AM Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | BERGEN | Norge | |
HJ Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | LARVIK | Norge |