68.201 House cooperative8854
Organizations in this category (8854)
Name | Main person | Type | Place | Country |
KP Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | SARPSBORG | Norge | |
BE General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
ÅF Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | TRONDHEIM | Norge | |
JA Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | OSLO | Norge | |
LH Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | TRONDHEIM | Norge | |
SA Sondre Andreas Wedøe Nodland1992 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | OSLO | Norge | |
PK Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | FREDRIKSTAD | Norge | |
HS Halvor Skaar1964 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | STAVANGER | Norge | |
AB Ann Butterworth1954 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | OSLO | Norge | |
KA Kenneth Arthur Martini Hasselberg1979 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | DRAMMEN | Norge | |
OE Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | BERGEN | Norge | |
BT Bjørn Terje Ulstein Tvetene1958 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | SANDEFJORD | Norge | |
AG Chairman of the board | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
BR General Manager/ Managing Director | Housing cooperative | OSLO | Norge | |
ØJ Øistein Jacobsen1944 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | HARSTAD | Norge | |
EK Eva Karlsen1974 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | HAMMERFEST | Norge | |
HM Hermund Myklemyr1992 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | FØRDE | Norge | |
GH Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | OSLO | Norge | |
NE Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | STAVANGER | Norge | |
OJ Olav Julian Sørensen Mellingsæter1970 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | OSLO | Norge | |
RR Roy Rune Kraft1962 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | HALDEN | Norge | |
SV Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | DRAMMEN | Norge | |
JS Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | OSLO | Norge | |
RW Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | HORTEN | Norge | |
EL Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | OSLO | Norge | |
AJ Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | VERDAL | Norge | |
IE Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | SILSAND | Norge | |
IM Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | PORSGRUNN | Norge | |
BV Bente Vikki1952 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | STEINKJER | Norge | |
TH Torkel Hope1973 Chairman of the board | Condominium flat owner | BERGEN | Norge | |
IJ Chairman of the board | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
AC Aurora Cecilie Pettersen Rist1997 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | OSLO | Norge | |
ØJ Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | BERGEN | Norge | |
PØ Per Ørjan Hansen1957 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | VERDAL | Norge | |
TI Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | STOKKE | Norge | |
JB Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | OSLO | Norge | |
GO Geir Ove Storøy1964 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | TRONDHEIM | Norge | |
SJ Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | LILLEHAMMER | Norge | |
AN André Nordbø1984 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | OSLO | Norge | |
TS Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | OSLO | Norge | |
ER Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | DRAMMEN | Norge | |
SH Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | BERGEN | Norge | |
TO Tor Omar Heyerdahl Nyquist1997 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | OSLO | Norge | |
RM Roger Mikalsen1962 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | TROMSØ | Norge | |
SA Signe Asland1939 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | NOTODDEN | Norge | |
ØS Øyvind Strøm1993 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | BERGEN | Norge | |
AM Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | TRONDHEIM | Norge | |
JB Jon-Erik Berger1956 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | OSLO | Norge | |
UH Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | RJUKAN | Norge | |
TS Toril Syverstad1974 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | OSLO | Norge | |
ON Ove Netland1954 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | BERGEN | Norge | |
TA Titti Aarnes1972 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | MOSS | Norge | |
OT Odd Terje Olsen1973 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | HAUGESUND | Norge | |
AT Annlaug Thorbjørnsen Omvang1956 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | STAVANGER | Norge | |
PS Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | STEINKJER | Norge | |
CH Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | MOLDE | Norge | |
AS Aleksander Sønneland Samuelsen1992 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | STAVANGER | Norge | |
AV Amela Velicanin1976 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | LILLESTRØM | Norge | |
CF Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | GJØVIK | Norge | |
ME Maria Eri Sørbye1993 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | OSLO | Norge | |
HB Harald Bakken1948 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | SØRLI | Norge | |
HS Helge Solheim1970 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | BERGEN | Norge | |
JP Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | DRAMMEN | Norge | |
HE Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | BERGEN | Norge | |
TR Tom Roger Melby1970 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | ÅRNES | Norge | |
CJ Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | HAUGESUND | Norge | |
LG Linda Garvik1963 Chairman of the board | Condominium flat owner | BERGEN | Norge | |
MN Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | ARENDAL | Norge | |
HJ Heidi Johansen1977 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | OSLO | Norge | |
VØ Vegard Øyre1998 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | TRONDHEIM | Norge | |
MM Marit Moland1947 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | GJØVIK | Norge | |
HB Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | TRONDHEIM | Norge | |
TG Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | MYSEN | Norge | |
LH Lars Handeland1966 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | FØRDE | Norge | |
IR Ingar Rostvåg Ulltveit-Moe1982 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | OSLO | Norge | |
ØH Øyvind Horten1972 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | LILLEHAMMER | Norge | |
ØB Øivind Berg1951 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | TØNSBERG | Norge | |
GS Geir Ståle Sætre1959 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | MOLDE | Norge | |
RB Randi Bakken1956 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | FAUSKE | Norge | |
GJ Gerd Johansen1939 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | HAMAR | Norge | |
LK Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | PORSGRUNN | Norge | |
AT Anita Torgersen1959 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | SKI | Norge | |
JK Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | STOKKE | Norge | |
JO Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | TRONDHEIM | Norge | |
AH Arne Hesby1956 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | VERDAL | Norge | |
MU Chairman of the board | Condominium flat owner | OSLO | Norge | |
VJ Veronica Jeanette Johansen1989 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | ELVERUM | Norge | |
JE Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | TØNSBERG | Norge | |
HK Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | MO I RANA | Norge | |
SF Stig Fonås1952 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | KONGSVINGER | Norge | |
OJ Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | GJØVIK | Norge | |
AH Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | OSLO | Norge | |
LM Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | OSLO | Norge | |
SA Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | OSLO | Norge | |
LE Lasse Ellingsen1991 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | ALTA | Norge | |
JA Jens Andor Ekman1994 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | HARSTAD | Norge | |
SD Stein Dahl1949 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | OSLO | Norge | |
EL Eva Leksen1979 Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | TRONDHEIM | Norge | |
SG Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | BERGEN | Norge | |
EL Chairman of the board | Housing cooperative | HAUGESUND | Norge |