94.992 Charities which distribute means themselves584
Organizations in this category (584)
Name | Main person | Type | Place | Country |
TW Thor-Erling Westelius Hansen1968 General Manager/ Managing Director | Foundation | HORTEN | Norge | |
BØ Brit Østerud1957 Chairman of the board | Foundation | GRIMSTAD | Norge | |
TA Chairman of the board | Foundation | ÅSGREINA | Norge | |
KF Chairman of the board | Foundation | LONEVÅG | Norge | |
KG Kari Gjertsen1957 Chairman of the board | Foundation | SARPSBORG | Norge | |
AS Amund Sjue Lein1982 Chairman of the board | Foundation | NAMSOS | Norge | |
RM Chairman of the board | Foundation | |||
MO Mathias Onsrud1940 General Manager/ Managing Director | Foundation | OSLO | Norge | |
JV General Manager/ Managing Director | Foundation | OSLO | Norge | |
AT Arne Thomassen1959 Chairman of the board | Foundation | LILLESAND | Norge | |
AK Chairman of the board | Foundation | MEISTERVIK | Norge | |
MH Margareth Hagen1965 Chairman of the board | Foundation | BERGEN | Norge | |
HH Henrik Hove1985 Chairman of the board | Foundation | OSLO | Norge | |
HF Halvor Frihagen1969 Chairman of the board | Foundation | OSLO | Norge | |
SH Stian Hallvard Grytness Løvold1953 General Manager/ Managing Director | Foundation | KJELLER | Norge | |
GA Gisle Aasheim1947 Chairman of the board | Foundation | YTRE ARNA | Norge | |
AM Chairman of the board | Foundation | TØNSBERG | Norge | |
LS Leif Sven Helmich Pedersen1954 Chairman of the board | Foundation | |||
MD Mona Drage1973 General Manager/ Managing Director | Foundation | OSLO | Norge | |
HK General Manager/ Managing Director | Foundation | ÅLESUND | Norge | |
SJ Chairman of the board | Foundation | LILLEHAMMER | Norge | |
JA General Manager/ Managing Director | Foundation | LIERSTRANDA | Norge | |
AC Anders Christian Stray Ryssdal1955 Chairman of the board | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
OS Oddbjørn Straume1968 Chairman of the board | Foundation | BERGEN | Norge | |
ÅK Åge Korsvold1946 Chairman of the board | Foundation | OSLO | Norge | |
KA General Manager/ Managing Director | Foundation | LYSAKER | Norge | |
GO General Manager/ Managing Director | Foundation | MOSS | Norge | |
LM Chairman of the board | Foundation | ULEFOSS | Norge | |
JI Juma Iraki1987 General Manager/ Managing Director | Foundation | FINSTADJORDET | Norge | |
RB Chairman of the board | Foundation | GEIRANGER | Norge | |
BD General Manager/ Managing Director | Foundation | PORSGRUNN | Norge | |
CA Chairman of the board | Foundation | ASKIM | Norge | |
GR General Manager/ Managing Director | Foundation | FREDRIKSTAD | Norge | |
ML Marianne Lunde1987 Chairman of the board | Foundation | OSLO | Norge | |
LN Laila Nordø1958 General Manager/ Managing Director | Foundation | PARADIS | Norge | |
AB Chairman of the board | Foundation | TRONDHEIM | Norge | |
PC Chairman of the board | Foundation | HØNEFOSS | Norge | |
TA Tormod Anker Westbye Skofterud1977 Chairman of the board | Foundation | DEGERNES | Norge | |
HS Hooman Sharifi1973 Chairman of the board | Foundation | OSLO | Norge | |
KB Knut Baastad1953 General Manager/ Managing Director | Foundation | BÅSTAD | Norge | |
TS Chairman of the board | Foundation | OSLO | Norge | |
LS Leif Sven Helmich Pedersen1954 Chairman of the board | Foundation | |||
HB Chairman of the board | Foundation | KRISTIANSAND S | Norge | |
MH General Manager/ Managing Director | Foundation | NANNESTAD | Norge | |
TA Chairman of the board | Foundation | ÅLESUND | Norge | |
AN Chairman of the board | Foundation | EIDSVÅG I ÅSANE | Norge | |
ÅJ Åse Juul1961 Chairman of the board | Foundation | TRONDHEIM | Norge | |
SB Chairman of the board | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
MG Mavela Gonilovic1972 Chairman of the board | Foundation | OSLO | Norge | |
AH Anne Hvinden1957 Chairman of the board | Foundation | VESTRE GAUSDAL | Norge | |
LS Leif Sven Helmich Pedersen1954 Chairman of the board | Foundation | |||
GA General Manager/ Managing Director | Foundation | |||
AF Chairman of the board | Foundation | GRONG | Norge | |
CC General Manager/ Managing Director | Other body corporate | OSLO | Norge | |
PW Per-Otto Wold1968 Chairman of the board | Foundation | OSLO | Norge | |
HL Chairman of the board | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
RK Rune Kolstad1969 General Manager/ Managing Director | Foundation | RJUKAN | Norge | |
LD Chairman of the board | Foundation | RENDALEN | Norge | |
KS Chairman of the board | Foundation | SKÅTØY | Norge | |
EE Einar Endresen1950 Chairman of the board | Foundation | HOMMERSÅK | Norge | |
ON Olav Nordermoen1942 General Manager/ Managing Director | Foundation | |||
LS Leif Sven Helmich Pedersen1954 Chairman of the board | Foundation | |||
ØL Chairman of the board | Foundation | REINSVOLL | Norge | |
GH Gry Høeg Ulverud1971 General Manager/ Managing Director | Foundation | OSLO | Norge | |
HL Chairman of the board | Foundation | ÅLESUND | Norge | |
AK Afrim Krasniqi1983 Chairman of the board | Foundation | FORNEBU | Norge | |
MM General Manager/ Managing Director | Foundation | TRYSIL | Norge | |
BH General Manager/ Managing Director | Foundation | SANDNESSJØEN | Norge | |
HN General Manager/ Managing Director | Other body corporate | OSLO | Norge | |
SH Chairman of the board | Foundation | ISDALSTØ | Norge | |
AH Arnfinn Houmb1950 Chairman of the board | Foundation | BRUMUNDDAL | Norge | |
KS Kjetil Søvik1970 Chairman of the board | Foundation | FLORØ | Norge | |
HF Chairman of the board | Foundation | SKIPTVET | Norge | |
KS Kåre Stokkenes1965 Chairman of the board | Foundation | FRESVIK | Norge | |
EG Erik Garaas1950 Chairman of the board | Foundation | OSLO | Norge | |
BS General Manager/ Managing Director | Foundation | GRONG | Norge | |
CR Chairman of the board | Foundation | OSLO | Norge | |
IM Ida Munkeby1961 Chairman of the board | Foundation | |||
MG Morten Glenna1966 Chairman of the board | Foundation | TORØD | Norge | |
AH Anne Hagenborg1971 Chairman of the board | Foundation | HOV | Norge | |
YA Yngve Andersen1969 Chairman of the board | Foundation | KRISTIANSAND S | Norge | |
OM Odd Magne Gjerde1961 Chairman of the board | Foundation | LILLESTRØM | Norge | |
SA Chairman of the board | Foundation | KROKKLEIVA | Norge | |
GJ Greta Johansen1959 Chairman of the board | Foundation | BODØ | Norge | |
SM Chairman of the board | Foundation | BEKKESTUA | Norge | |
CJ Christian Johan Grønlie Herzog1972 General Manager/ Managing Director | Foundation | OSLO | Norge | |
RA Runar Andre Kvam1970 Chairman of the board | Foundation | OSLO | Norge | |
AT Chairman of the board | Foundation | TRONDHEIM | Norge | |
BF Bjørn Fjeld1956 General Manager/ Managing Director | Foundation | BERGEN | Norge | |
HD Hanne Dyran1964 General Manager/ Managing Director | Foundation | OSLO | Norge | |
EB Eirik Berge1948 Chairman of the board | Foundation | |||
OB Chairman of the board | Foundation | |||
CF Camilla Feiring Gulbrandsen1997 Contact person | Norwegian division of foreign business enterprise | 2316WZ LEIDEN | Nederland | |
SP Chairman of the board | Foundation | OSLO | Norge | |
HN General Manager/ Managing Director | Foundation | OSLO | Norge | |
KT Chairman of the board | Foundation | OSLO | Norge | |
FH Finn-Øyvind Halvorsen Langfjell1971 Chairman of the board | Foundation | |||
HM Chairman of the board | Foundation | BERGEN | Norge | |
MS Maria Skrettingland Håland1951 General Manager/ Managing Director | Foundation | KLEPPE | Norge | |
AN Chairman of the board | Foundation | TROMSØ | Norge |