01.700 Hunting, trapping and related service activities735
Keywords relevant in this category
Organizations in this category (735)
Name | Main person | Type | Place | Country |
EM Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | RAKKESTAD | Norge | |
Sole proprietorship | TRONDHEIM | Norge | ||
OH Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | VALLE | Norge | |
KM Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | OSLO | Norge | |
BL Contact person | Association/club/organisation | SKONSENG | Norge | |
LI Lars Istad1959 Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | VOSS | Norge | |
Sole proprietorship | AREMARK | Norge | ||
TH Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | RENDALEN | Norge | |
Sole proprietorship | SIRMA | Norge | ||
SM Sindre Moe1972 Chairman of the board | Co-operative | ØRSTA | Norge | |
JK Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | ØRJE | Norge | |
Sole proprietorship | FLATDAL | Norge | ||
TA Terje Andersen1990 Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | BÆVERFJORD | Norge | |
Sole proprietorship | RÅHOLT | Norge | ||
TM Turid Myren1961 Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | DAGALI | Norge | |
Sole proprietorship | HOL | Norge | ||
HP General Manager/ Managing Director | Co-operative | SELBU | Norge | |
Sole proprietorship | RISØR | Norge | ||
RB Roy Bye1954 Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | GAMLE FREDRIKSTAD | Norge | |
JK Jan Korstad1971 Chairman of the board | Limited company | HEGRA | Norge | |
MT Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | KVAMMEN | Norge | |
IP Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | MISVÆR | Norge | |
SH Søren Håland1945 Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | KONSMO | Norge | |
TT Tormod Torp1974 Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | FJERDINGBY | Norge | |
Sole proprietorship | SKOGN | Norge | ||
KT Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | GRIMSTAD | Norge | |
JV Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | FANNREM | Norge | |
HF Chairman of the board | Co-operative | GOL | Norge | |
OF Ola Føsker1967 Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | OPPEGÅRD | Norge | |
SJ Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | BÅSTAD | Norge | |
RS Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | HOL | Norge | |
NR General Manager/ Managing Director | Sole proprietorship | SKIEN | Norge | |
KO Kjell Olav Cock1968 Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | |||
Sole proprietorship | HJELSET | Norge | ||
JH Jarle Holt1972 Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | STRANDEBARM | Norge | |
MS Miriam Sortland1966 Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | FOLDRØYHAMN | Norge | |
Sole proprietorship | KONGSBERG | Norge | ||
MK Magne Knapstad1963 Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | VOSS | Norge | |
AT Asbjørn Teige1957 Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | NORE | Norge | |
LV Leif-Erik Valla1972 Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | SELJORD | Norge | |
Sole proprietorship | MIDSUND | Norge | ||
JE Jan Egil Nygard1992 Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | BJORDAL | Norge | |
FS Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | VOSS | Norge | |
BA Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | ÅLESUND | Norge | |
Sole proprietorship | VALNESFJORD | Norge | ||
CE Chairman of the board | Co-operative | SKAGE I NAMDALEN | Norge | |
Sole proprietorship | NEDSTRAND | Norge | ||
JA Johan Akselius Falch Kjerstad1976 Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | ERDAL | Norge | |
KF Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | ÅLEN | Norge | |
JH Jon Horten1954 General Manager/ Managing Director | Sole proprietorship | OS I ØSTERDALEN | Norge | |
BG Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | VIK I SOGN | Norge | |
BS Bjørn Sønsteby1958 General Manager/ Managing Director | Co-operative | BRUMUNDDAL | Norge | |
HH Hans-Kristian Hjellbakk Hole1993 General Manager/ Managing Director | Association/club/organisation | HELLESYLT | Norge | |
OI Chairman of the board | Co-operative | LENSVIK | Norge | |
Sole proprietorship | ÅLESUND | Norge | ||
ÅH Åge Haave1952 Chairman of the board | Co-operative | GAUPEN | Norge | |
Sole proprietorship | SNILLFJORD | Norge | ||
Sole proprietorship | BORHAUG | Norge | ||
JH Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | BLAKER | Norge | |
HH General Manager/ Managing Director | Association/club/organisation | SOLLIA | Norge | |
AK Chairman of the board | Co-operative | TOLLÅ | Norge | |
ÅB Åge Bjørnebråten1974 Chairman of the board | Co-operative | NESBYEN | Norge | |
Sole proprietorship | VESTNES | Norge | ||
JS Jo Sigve Østerås1978 General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | SPARBU | Norge | |
SD Sverre Dahl1984 Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | RINGEBU | Norge | |
EN Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | RISSA | Norge | |
JB Jan-Erik Buer1974 Chairman of the board | Co-operative | ASKIM | Norge | |
Sole proprietorship | LUSTER | Norge | ||
KH Knut Heddeland1963 Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | MARNARDAL | Norge | |
PC Chairman of the board | Joint ownership according to the law of property | BJERKVIK | Norge | |
Sole proprietorship | HAUGESUND | Norge | ||
Sole proprietorship | KAUTOKEINO | Norge | ||
AO Chairman of the board | Co-operative | BJØRKE | Norge | |
Sole proprietorship | VATNE | Norge | ||
EA Egil Alfredsen1951 General Manager/ Managing Director | Co-operative | SANDHORNØY | Norge | |
KO Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | ULNES | Norge | |
VV Vidar Valen1975 Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | ULEFOSS | Norge | |
HM Håvard Mørk1968 Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | |||
RJ Randi Johanne Stokke-Lerheim1971 Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | GJEMNES | Norge | |
TÅ Tor Åge Dale1972 Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | VINJE | Norge | |
NE Chairman of the board | Company with limited liability | GRIMSTAD | Norge | |
AS Arne Sangolt1957 Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | ÅGOTNES | Norge | |
LM Lisa Marie Seidl1994 General Manager/ Managing Director | Sole proprietorship | LONGYEARBYEN | Norge | |
OH Chairman of the board | Co-operative | FANNREM | Norge | |
JG Jens Gunnar Haugen Dragsnes1970 Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | HOMMELVIK | Norge | |
AI Alf Inge Remen1958 General Manager/ Managing Director | Co-operative | ISFJORDEN | Norge | |
KA Kjetil Aandstad1974 Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | ARNEBERG | Norge | |
MB Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | RINGEBU | Norge | |
HM Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | ÅLVUNDEID | Norge | |
EV Espen Vasseth1995 Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | STONGFJORDEN | Norge | |
JE Jan Erik Volle1979 General Manager/ Managing Director | Co-operative | BARSTADVIK | Norge | |
AH Arve Husdal1972 General Manager/ Managing Director | Sole proprietorship | NAUSTDAL | Norge | |
Sole proprietorship | TOMTER | Norge | ||
SV Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | TJØRVÅG | Norge | |
OB Oddvar Bøhn1946 Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | RAKKESTAD | Norge | |
OA Chairman of the board | Co-operative | SORTLAND | Norge | |
SV Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | BRØSTADBOTN | Norge | |
EB Eirik Berget1985 Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | KROKSTADELVA | Norge | |
JP Chairman of the board | Co-operative | RENA | Norge | |
HA Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | SKODJE | Norge |