07.100 Mining of iron ores16
Keywords relevant in this category
mininghard coalliquefaction methodswashingsortinggradingpulverizingcompactioncoalcoal bankslignitedryingpulverizationoreiron contentprocessingagglomerationiron oreuraniumthorium: uranium pitch oreproductionuranium concentratealuminiumcopperleadzincmanganesechromiumnickelcobaltmolybdenumtantalumvanadiumgoldsilver and platinumrough cuttingquarryinggranitesandstonemarblecrushingcrushed stoneshinglelimestonegypsumchalkmineslateextractionphosphatespotassium saltssulphurpyritemagnetitebarium sulphatecarbonateboratemagnesium sulphatesearth pigmentsfluorsparmineralsguano
Organizations in this category (16)
Pick one or more...
Name | Main person | Type | Place | Country |
DA Dag Arve Larsen1961 General Manager/ Managing Director | General Partnership with shared liability | HAUGE I DALANE | Norge | |
GM Gunnar Moe1959 General Manager/ Managing Director | Public limited company | MO I RANA | Norge | |
AS General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | KVINLOG | Norge | |
AE General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | RISØYHAMN | Norge | |
TE General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | ÅLEN | Norge | |
KC Chairman of the board | Limited company | KIRKENES | Norge | |
AS Chairman of the board | Limited company | KVINESDAL | Norge | |
KC Chairman of the board | Limited company | KIRKENES | Norge | |
BG Chairman of the board | Limited company | LIMINGEN | Norge | |
AW Chairman of the board | Limited company | SOLA | Norge | |
OS Olav Skalmeraas1957 General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | EGERSUND | Norge | |
KC Chairman of the board | Limited company | KIRKENES | Norge | |
DF Contact person | Norwegian division of foreign business enterprise | 263 83 HÖGANÄS | Sverige | |
Norwegian division of foreign business enterprise | WEST PERTH WESTERN AUSTRALIA | Australia | ||
OS Olav Skalmeraas1957 General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | EGERSUND | Norge | |
Bankrupt estate | LIMINGEN | Norge |