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30.400 Manufacture of military fighting machinery3

Keywords relevant in this category

productionheavy weaponsartillerycannonsrocket launcherstorpedo tubesmachine gunshandgunsrevolversshotgunsair gunsgas gunsairsoft gunsammunitionbombsminestorpedoestanksarmoredamphibious warfare vehiclesmilitary

Organizations in this category (3)

Pick one or more...
NameMain personTypePlaceCountry

Rune Plener1987

Contact person

Norwegian division of foreign business enterpriseDE-80997 MUNICHTyskland

Rune Narheim1979

General Manager/ Managing Director

Limited companyHØNEFOSSNorge

Michael Cornelius Häusler1972

Contact person

Norwegian division of foreign business enterpriseDE-24939 FLENSBURGTyskland