68.320 undefined9424
Keywords relevant in this category
Organizations in this category (9424)
Name | Main person | Type | Place | Country |
OG Ole Grangaard1962 Chairman of the board | Limited company | RØDBERG | Norge | |
EF Erik Falck1953 Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | BERGEN | Norge | |
HV Helge Vik1948 Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | FROSTA | Norge | |
JJ Chairman of the board | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
SW General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | SANDE I VESTFOLD | Norge | |
LE Chairman of the board | Company with limited liability | SYKKYLVEN | Norge | |
ET Chairman of the board | Co-operative | BIRI | Norge | |
WE Wenche Eidissen1990 Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | |||
TH Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | KJERSTAD | Norge | |
EM Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | |||
MO Mikael Olsen1966 General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | SØGNE | Norge | |
KB Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | AURE | Norge | |
SA Sander Aune1987 Chairman of the board | Limited company | CHARLOTTENLUND | Norge | |
ET Eirik Tronstad1964 Chairman of the board | General Partnership | STEINKJER | Norge | |
KA Krestjan Anzjøn1980 Chairman of the board | Co-operative | NAMDALSEID | Norge | |
KK General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | FARSUND | Norge | |
JJ Jarle Johansen1971 General Manager/ Managing Director | General Partnership with shared liability | HOKKSUND | Norge | |
KO Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | |||
TO Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | SINGSÅS | Norge | |
KG Kåre Glesne1974 Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | ØYSLEBØ | Norge | |
LM Linda Mari Alvim1986 Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | ASKIM | Norge | |
OA Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | KVINESDAL | Norge | |
TS Tor Sten Haave1983 Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | LILLEHAMMER | Norge | |
SB Sigurd Brokke1971 Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | RYSSTAD | Norge | |
AB Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | LEIRA I VALDRES | Norge | |
PA Preben Austgulen1982 Chairman of the board | Limited company | BERGEN | Norge | |
BG Bjørn Glemmestad1960 General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
IM Ivar Myrold1971 General Manager/ Managing Director | Co-operative | STÅRHEIM | Norge | |
GL Gunnar Lirhus1964 General Manager/ Managing Director | Co-operative | HEMSEDAL | Norge | |
MF Mari Flendalen1984 Chairman of the board | Co-operative | FJELLSTRAND | Norge | |
LL Leif Lie1964 Chairman of the board | Co-operative | NESBYEN | Norge | |
AJ General Manager/ Managing Director | Co-operative | KVISVIK | Norge | |
ET Egil Tegnander1957 Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | OPPDAL | Norge | |
HG Chairman of the board | Limited company | BRUVOLL | Norge | |
FV Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | BAGN | Norge | |
EJ Erik Jensen1968 General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | BÆRUMS VERK | Norge | |
GA Chairman of the board | Limited company | NØTTERØY | Norge | |
PH Pål Hagen1954 Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | OSLO | Norge | |
RN Rune Nygaard1972 General Manager/ Managing Director | Association/club/organisation | FYLLINGSDALEN | Norge | |
HN Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | TRONDHEIM | Norge | |
KA Khurram Ali1986 Chairman of the board | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
AG Anders Greff1971 Chairman of the board | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
AH Arne Handeland1965 Chairman of the board | Co-operative | SAUDASJØEN | Norge | |
OF Ole Fredrik Utne1945 Chairman of the board | Limited company | RYGGE | Norge | |
JI Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | KRISTIANSAND S | Norge | |
MG Marit Grønning1955 Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | PARADIS | Norge | |
BB Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | STOKKE | Norge | |
KV Knut Vold1956 General Manager/ Managing Director | Co-operative | HØNEFOSS | Norge | |
PC Chairman of the board | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
HF Herman Friele1943 Chairman of the board | Limited company | BERGEN | Norge | |
KA Chairman of the board | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
RS Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | HETLEVIK | Norge | |
BL Benn Larsen1955 General Manager/ Managing Director | Other body corporate | TANA | Norge | |
TK Tore Kvisberg1965 Chairman of the board | Co-operative | ØYER | Norge | |
EG Ellef Grimsrud1973 Chairman of the board | Co-operative | BEGNA | Norge | |
SI Steffen Ivar Gjøstøl Iversen1986 Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | |||
HS Hugo Storø1963 Chairman of the board | Limited company | NARVIK | Norge | |
OE Ottar Ellingsen1949 Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | TYRISTRAND | Norge | |
ØR Øyvind Reed1980 Chairman of the board | General Partnership with shared liability | NORDFJORDEID | Norge | |
GS Chairman of the board | Limited company | RISSA | Norge | |
PG General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | TØNSBERG | Norge | |
PI Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | HELLESYLT | Norge | |
TP Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | |||
ØS Øyvind Sandvik1990 Chairman of the board | Joint ownership according to the law of property | DIMMELSVIK | Norge | |
GS General Manager/ Managing Director | Association/club/organisation | MOLTUSTRANDA | Norge | |
ØT Øystein Topp1972 General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | GJØVIK | Norge | |
ES Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | BØ I TELEMARK | Norge | |
LK General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | MOSS | Norge | |
ED Erik Davidsen1951 Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | MOSS | Norge | |
AJ Anne Jenny Dorthea Sorknes1967 Chairman of the board | Co-operative | NAMNÅ | Norge | |
ØK Øyvind Kleppan1971 Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | STOKKE | Norge | |
MH Morten Hansen1958 General Manager/ Managing Director | Association/club/organisation | DRØBAK | Norge | |
OJ Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | SVENSBY | Norge | |
NS Nils Storberget1956 General Manager/ Managing Director | Co-operative | ELVERUM | Norge | |
JB Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | SYKKYLVEN | Norge | |
MG General Manager/ Managing Director | Co-operative | BØVERBRU | Norge | |
JP Chairman of the board | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
FT General Manager/ Managing Director | Co-operative | BIRKELAND | Norge | |
AS Chairman of the board | Co-operative | BØVÅGEN | Norge | |
MK Marthe Kildalen1975 Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | VALLSET | Norge | |
EL Erling Lusæter1955 Chairman of the board | Co-operative | HEIDAL | Norge | |
VJ Vegard Jakobsen1979 Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | DAL | Norge | |
TJ Tom Jenner1967 Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | OSLO | Norge | |
KD Kjell Dragnes1946 Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | JESSHEIM | Norge | |
SU Seming Undseth1977 Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | RENDALEN | Norge | |
AO Andreas Okstad1985 Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | CHARLOTTENLUND | Norge | |
WL Wenche Løvstad1957 General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | HAKADAL | Norge | |
ER Erik Rønning1990 General Manager/ Managing Director | Co-operative | HASLUM | Norge | |
PS Per Sjølie1962 Chairman of the board | Joint ownership according to the law of property | RENA | Norge | |
LK Lars-Erik Knippa1981 General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | ELVERUM | Norge | |
JF General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | KOLBOTN | Norge | |
GA Chairman of the board | Co-operative | HERNES | Norge | |
CR Chairman of the board | Limited company | TROMSØ | Norge | |
CS General Manager/ Managing Director | Association/club/organisation | FUSA | Norge | |
Sole proprietorship | TRØGSTAD | Norge | ||
OR Ole Ragnar Olsen1955 General Manager/ Managing Director | Co-operative | NORESUND | Norge | |
MA Chairman of the board | Joint ownership according to the law of property | FØRDE | Norge | |
OM Oddvar Mjelde1944 General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | FYLLINGSDALEN | Norge | |
ED Erik Dag Knudsen1956 Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | DRAMMEN | Norge | |
OH Olaug Herborg Asheim Furnes1956 Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | HAFRSFJORD | Norge |