91.022 undefined330
Keywords relevant in this category
Organizations in this category (330)
Name | Main person | Type | Place | Country |
JS General Manager/ Managing Director | Inter-municipal company | ALTA | Norge | |
VC Vibeke Clausen1964 General Manager/ Managing Director | Foundation | LIER | Norge | |
MG Chairman of the board | General Partnership | SMØLA | Norge | |
SH Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | NOTODDEN | Norge | |
AG Angela Goldin1968 General Manager/ Managing Director | Foundation | OSLO | Norge | |
TM Terje Mikael Hasle Joranger1965 General Manager/ Managing Director | Foundation | OTTESTAD | Norge | |
MH Marit Hosar1953 Chairman of the board | Foundation | BIRI | Norge | |
SM Siv Malin Fosse Dyrkolbotn1970 General Manager/ Managing Director | Foundation | SKIEN | Norge | |
TR General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | BØSTAD | Norge | |
OF Chairman of the board | Foundation | NODELAND | Norge | |
HS Hans Seierstad1951 Chairman of the board | Foundation | BØVERBRU | Norge | |
KR Kjetil Renland1944 Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | BOTNHAMN | Norge | |
HL Hilde Legernes1982 Chairman of the board | Foundation | VIKEBUKT | Norge | |
TJ Tor Jan Ropeid1944 Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | BERGEN | Norge | |
JA Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | TENNEVOLL | Norge | |
RL Rolf Liland1966 General Manager/ Managing Director | Foundation | BODØ | Norge | |
JH Jan Heggheim1962 General Manager/ Managing Director | Foundation | KAUPANGER | Norge | |
RM Ragnar Myrvold1951 Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | LOMMEDALEN | Norge | |
AE Arne Erik Fønhus1954 Chairman of the board | Foundation | BAGN | Norge | |
NK Nina Karine Grindvik Sæternes1967 General Manager/ Managing Director | Municipal business enterprise | RØRVIK | Norge | |
TA General Manager/ Managing Director | Association/club/organisation | ELSFJORD | Norge | |
JM Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | GEILO | Norge | |
ER Chairman of the board | Foundation | |||
DR Dag Rorgemoen1973 General Manager/ Managing Director | Foundation | HØYDALSMO | Norge | |
TM General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | RAMBERG | Norge | |
CE Carl Einar Kure1945 General Manager/ Managing Director | Foundation | SARPSBORG | Norge | |
KE Kari Elisabet Løvoll Dalhus1973 Chairman of the board | Foundation | NORDDAL | Norge | |
BL Bjørn Lindberg1976 General Manager/ Managing Director | Foundation | STAVANGER | Norge | |
AS Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | STAKKVIK | Norge | |
CA Camilla Alexandra Birkeland1980 General Manager/ Managing Director | Inter-municipal company | RØRVIK | Norge | |
DJ General Manager/ Managing Director | Sole proprietorship | REINE | Norge | |
SA Chairman of the board | Foundation | STEINKJER | Norge | |
BT Bjørn Tor Engen1967 General Manager/ Managing Director | Foundation | TYRISTRAND | Norge | |
RA Chairman of the board | Foundation | LØRENSKOG | Norge | |
Sole proprietorship | SELBU | Norge | ||
AJ Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | SØR-FRON | Norge | |
OA General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | FAGERNES | Norge | |
AE Audun Eckhoff1958 General Manager/ Managing Director | Foundation | LILLEHAMMER | Norge | |
HO Hans Ole Dalland1948 Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | TYSNES | Norge | |
LK Chairman of the board | Foundation | OSLO | Norge | |
IK Ida Kristin Lie1950 General Manager/ Managing Director | Foundation | VÅLER I SOLØR | Norge | |
GM Gudrun Molden1959 Chairman of the board | Foundation | OSLO | Norge | |
JH Jan Heggheim1962 General Manager/ Managing Director | Foundation | SANDANE | Norge | |
AS General Manager/ Managing Director | Foundation | TRONDHEIM | Norge | |
MO Morten Opsahl1950 Chairman of the board | Foundation | OSLO | Norge | |
BL Bente Lerum Lund1969 Chairman of the board | Limited company | KAUPANGER | Norge | |
BF Birgitta Fossum1969 General Manager/ Managing Director | Foundation | SNÅSA | Norge | |
LR Leo Rygnestad1984 Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | OSLO | Norge | |
MB Mai Bakken1962 General Manager/ Managing Director | Foundation | LOM | Norge | |
IB General Manager/ Managing Director | Sole proprietorship | SAMUELSBERG | Norge | |
WF Willy Fossen1966 Chairman of the board | Foundation | MERÅKER | Norge | |
TA General Manager/ Managing Director | Foundation | FETSUND | Norge | |
TJ General Manager/ Managing Director | Foundation | BARDUFOSS | Norge | |
MV Marit Vestrum1972 Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | OSLO | Norge | |
SK Chairman of the board | Foundation | LILLEHAMMER | Norge | |
BK Bjarne Kvadsheim1965 Chairman of the board | Foundation | STAVANGER | Norge | |
PR Per Roos Dalen1947 General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | BODØ | Norge | |
AG Audhild Gregoriusdotter Rotevatn1975 General Manager/ Managing Director | Foundation | ÅLESUND | Norge | |
EM General Manager/ Managing Director | Foundation | LONGYEARBYEN | Norge | |
TH Terje Haraldstad1955 General Manager/ Managing Director | Association/club/organisation | STOKKE | Norge | |
HF General Manager/ Managing Director | Association/club/organisation | SKUDENESHAVN | Norge | |
JB John Berg1941 Chairman of the board | Foundation | SVOLVÆR | Norge | |
TI General Manager/ Managing Director | Association/club/organisation | HARSTAD | Norge | |
JA John Ausland1951 Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | RJUKAN | Norge | |
BK Berit Krogstad1955 Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | HOVIN I GAULDAL | Norge | |
JO John Olsen1976 Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | KRISTIANSAND S | Norge | |
JP Jan Peder Hansen1960 Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | MAUSUND | Norge | |
LH Liv Heyerdahl1968 General Manager/ Managing Director | Foundation | OSLO | Norge | |
RG Randi Gaustad1942 Chairman of the board | Foundation | OSLO | Norge | |
RF Reidar Frog1947 Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | BJUGN | Norge | |
JC Johanne Cecilie Hortemo Gulbrandsen1986 General Manager/ Managing Director | Foundation | BIRKELAND | Norge | |
TO Chairman of the board | Foundation | KROKSTADELVA | Norge | |
MR Martin Romberg1978 General Manager/ Managing Director | Association/club/organisation | STAVERN | Norge | |
DS Dagfinn Silgjerd1945 Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | NEDSTRAND | Norge | |
GH General Manager/ Managing Director | Association/club/organisation | KJERSTAD | Norge | |
RG Chairman of the board | Foundation | VINJE | Norge | |
LE General Manager/ Managing Director | Inter-municipal company | SANDEFJORD | Norge | |
SA Siri Aavitsland1961 General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | STAVANGER | Norge | |
JO John Olsen1976 General Manager/ Managing Director | Inter-municipal company | KRISTIANSAND S | Norge | |
JT Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | GRAN | Norge | |
Sole proprietorship | MOLDE | Norge | ||
MA Maifrid Alsgård1961 General Manager/ Managing Director | Organisational section | LIMINGEN | Norge | |
FB General Manager/ Managing Director | Limited company | FLÅM | Norge | |
DR Dag Rorgemoen1973 General Manager/ Managing Director | Foundation | HØYDALSMO | Norge | |
UT Ulf Tore Kolstad1947 Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | ASKIM | Norge | |
LO Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | LAUVSTAD | Norge | |
KS Contact person | Association/club/organisation | TRØGSTAD | Norge | |
GN Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | VOSS | Norge | |
JT General Manager/ Managing Director | Foundation | MOSJØEN | Norge | |
Sole proprietorship | TRONDHEIM | Norge | ||
HH Hege Hauge Tofte1970 General Manager/ Managing Director | Foundation | SARPSBORG | Norge | |
PB General Manager/ Managing Director | Association/club/organisation | VESTERØY | Norge | |
MT Magnus Tornes1982 Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | MOLDE | Norge | |
AB Arild Braa Norli1966 General Manager/ Managing Director | Foundation | TØNSBERG | Norge | |
TB Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | |||
TV Tor Vidar Skar1972 Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | SKONSENG | Norge | |
AS Alf Stormo1953 Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | AVERØY | Norge | |
SW Chairman of the board | Association/club/organisation | TJODALYNG | Norge | |
KN General Manager/ Managing Director | Foundation | RØKLAND | Norge | |
KB General Manager/ Managing Director | Foundation | NES VERK | Norge |