Organizations in this category (78438)
Name | Main person | Industry code | Type | Place | Country |
EM General Manager/ Managing Director | Contractor activities | Limited company | VOLDA | Norge | |
Contractor activities | Sole proprietorship | SÆBØ | Norge | ||
MA General Manager/ Managing Director | Contractor activities | Limited company | STORD | Norge | |
ET General Manager/ Managing Director | Contractor activities | Limited company | KRISTIANSAND S | Norge | |
PJ Per Johnny Godø1966 General Manager/ Managing Director | Contractor activities | Sole proprietorship | AVERØY | Norge | |
LM General Manager/ Managing Director | Purchase and sale | Limited company | TROMSØ | Norge | |
TH Thomas Helberg1985 Chairman of the board | Contractor activities | Limited company | SKEDSMOKORSET | Norge | |
MM General Manager/ Managing Director | Contractor activities | Norwegian division of foreign business enterprise | OSLO | Norge | |
Contractor activities | Sole proprietorship | ÅL | Norge | ||
IM Chairman of the board | Contractor activities | Limited company | SKEDSMOKORSET | Norge | |
OJ General Manager/ Managing Director | Contractor activities | Sole proprietorship | VOSS | Norge | |
MN Morten Nilsgård1978 Chairman of the board | Purchase and sale | Limited company | HAMAR | Norge | |
Contractor activities | Sole proprietorship | ÅSGREINA | Norge | ||
BF Bastian Faaness1989 General Manager/ Managing Director | Contractor activities | Limited company | TRONDHEIM | Norge | |
TK Terje Karlsen1977 General Manager/ Managing Director | Contractor activities | Limited company | HAMAR | Norge | |
Contractor activities | Sole proprietorship | FEDJE | Norge | ||
Contractor activities | Sole proprietorship | OSLO | Norge | ||
JE Chairman of the board | Purchase and sale | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
LE General Manager/ Managing Director | Contractor activities | Limited company | HJELLESTAD | Norge | |
KO Chairman of the board | Purchase and sale | Limited company | TRONDHEIM | Norge | |
Contractor activities | Sole proprietorship | LJØRDALEN | Norge | ||
NS Nicolai Sanne1983 General Manager/ Managing Director | Cooling and ventilation | Limited company | NØTTERØY | Norge | |
SS Salman Saeed1985 Chairman of the board | Purchase and sale | Limited company | FORNEBU | Norge | |
CW Christian Walan1971 General Manager/ Managing Director | Contractor activities | Limited company | JESSHEIM | Norge | |
DP Dovydas Punia1982 General Manager/ Managing Director | Contractor activities | Norwegian division of foreign business enterprise | HØNEFOSS | Norge | |
RN Ronny Nystad1966 General Manager/ Managing Director | Cooling and ventilation | Limited company | EIDSVÅG I ÅSANE | Norge | |
Contractor activities | Bankrupt estate | OSLO | Norge | ||
Contractor activities | Sole proprietorship | KRISTIANSAND S | Norge | ||
VJ Chairman of the board | Contractor activities | Limited company | KÅRHAMN | Norge | |
BK General Manager/ Managing Director | Contractor activities | Limited company | MOLDE | Norge | |
KF General Manager/ Managing Director | Contractor activities | Limited company | HARESTUA | Norge | |
ØØ Øyvind Østeig1970 Chairman of the board | Cooling and ventilation | Limited company | STAMSUND | Norge | |
FK Frode Knudsen1971 Chairman of the board | Purchase and sale | Limited company | KLOKKARVIK | Norge | |
ÅR General Manager/ Managing Director | Contractor activities | Limited company | FOLDEREID | Norge | |
EM Egils Muskats1975 Chairman of the board | Contractor activities | Limited company | SPYDEBERG | Norge | |
Contractor activities | Sole proprietorship | FYLLINGSDALEN | Norge | ||
Contractor activities | Sole proprietorship | NESLANDSVATN | Norge | ||
VH General Manager/ Managing Director | Contractor activities | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
RS Rune Stol1971 General Manager/ Managing Director | Contractor activities | Limited company | KOPERVIK | Norge | |
DR Chairman of the board | Purchase and sale | Limited company | MOEN | Norge | |
TN Terje Nilsen1978 General Manager/ Managing Director | Contractor activities | Limited company | ALTA | Norge | |
GF General Manager/ Managing Director | Contractor activities | Limited company | KONGSBERG | Norge | |
GS Grzegorz Szwejk1974 General Manager/ Managing Director | Purchase and sale | Limited company | DRAMMEN | Norge | |
BB General Manager/ Managing Director | Purchase and sale | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
AI General Manager/ Managing Director | Contractor activities | Limited company | KLEPPE | Norge | |
Contractor activities | Sole proprietorship | HEDALEN | Norge | ||
KM Chairman of the board | Purchase and sale | Limited company | NARVIK | Norge | |
Contractor activities | Sole proprietorship | STADSBYGD | Norge | ||
OT General Manager/ Managing Director | Contractor activities | Sole proprietorship | STAVANGER | Norge | |
KE Knut Eidem1973 General Manager/ Managing Director | Contractor activities | Limited company | SELBU | Norge | |
BS Bylent Smakiqi1982 General Manager/ Managing Director | Contractor activities | Limited company | SAGVÅG | Norge | |
RT Chairman of the board | Purchase and sale | Limited company | FIGGJO | Norge | |
Contractor activities | Sole proprietorship | ØRJE | Norge | ||
Contractor activities | Sole proprietorship | VIK I SOGN | Norge | ||
EM Eskil Møllegaard1969 General Manager/ Managing Director | Contractor activities | Limited company | FROGNER | Norge | |
Contractor activities | Sole proprietorship | HURDAL | Norge | ||
KV Karolis Vekelis1981 Chairman of the board | Contractor activities | Limited company | ROA | Norge | |
WS Willy Skjeggerud1962 Chairman of the board | Purchase and sale | Limited company | FYRESDAL | Norge | |
Contractor activities | Sole proprietorship | LILLEHAMMER | Norge | ||
LZ Lukasz Ziolek1985 General Manager/ Managing Director | Contractor activities | Limited company | FIGGJO | Norge | |
Contractor activities | Sole proprietorship | UTSKARPEN | Norge | ||
WM General Manager/ Managing Director | Contractor activities | Limited company | MEISTERVIK | Norge | |
RS General Manager/ Managing Director | Contractor activities | Limited company | HESTVIKA | Norge | |
TE Tor Engebakken1959 General Manager/ Managing Director | Purchase and sale | Limited company | DRAMMEN | Norge | |
AA Alexander Andrianopoulos Korssund1987 General Manager/ Managing Director | Contractor activities | Limited company | TRONDHEIM | Norge | |
TK Torbjørn Kaarud1954 General Manager/ Managing Director | Purchase and sale | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
Contractor activities | Sole proprietorship | RAMNES | Norge | ||
ES Eirik Strand1967 General Manager/ Managing Director | Purchase and sale | Limited company | BILLINGSTAD | Norge | |
BE General Manager/ Managing Director | Purchase and sale | Limited company | BERGEN | Norge | |
TØ Truls Østenfor Tørrisplass1972 General Manager/ Managing Director | Contractor activities | Limited company | NESBYEN | Norge | |
TS Torgeir Skjeldal1953 Chairman of the board | Purchase and sale | Limited company | MANDAL | Norge | |
TV General Manager/ Managing Director | Contractor activities | Sole proprietorship | LYSØYSUNDET | Norge | |
AA Arild Adamsrød1956 Contact person | Contractor activities | Norwegian division of foreign business enterprise | DK-8380 Trige | Danmark | |
EH Erling Høvik1970 Chairman of the board | Purchase and sale | Limited company | RANHEIM | Norge | |
Contractor activities | Sole proprietorship | ARENDAL | Norge | ||
TA Tim Andre Nordnes Holtlien1988 Chairman of the board | Purchase and sale | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
Contractor activities | Sole proprietorship | OSTEREIDET | Norge | ||
Contractor activities | Sole proprietorship | BJØRKELANGEN | Norge | ||
Contractor activities | Bankrupt estate | NESBRU | Norge | ||
Contractor activities | Sole proprietorship | LINDESNES | Norge | ||
TH Terje Hauge1984 General Manager/ Managing Director | Contractor activities | Limited company | FØRDE | Norge | |
DD Dominik Dolinski1989 General Manager/ Managing Director | Contractor activities | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
GL General Manager/ Managing Director | Contractor activities | Norwegian division of foreign business enterprise | TRANBY | Norge | |
Contractor activities | Sole proprietorship | BØRSA | Norge | ||
HM General Manager/ Managing Director | Contractor activities | Limited company | VERDAL | Norge | |
TM Chairman of the board | Contractor activities | Limited company | NESODDTANGEN | Norge | |
Contractor activities | Sole proprietorship | FANA | Norge | ||
Contractor activities | Sole proprietorship | FOLDØY | Norge | ||
JG Jon Gudbrand Kveen Øvre-Flo1970 General Manager/ Managing Director | Contractor activities | Limited company | STRYN | Norge | |
KR Contact person | Contractor activities | Norwegian division of foreign business enterprise | DK-2600 GLOSTRUP | Danmark | |
EH Einar Hagen1979 General Manager/ Managing Director | Contractor activities | Limited company | RENDALEN | Norge | |
ØS Øystein Sørtømme1972 General Manager/ Managing Director | Contractor activities | General Partnership | TRONDHEIM | Norge | |
Contractor activities | Norwegian division of foreign business enterprise | ||||
HÅ General Manager/ Managing Director | Purchase and sale | Limited company | TRONDHEIM | Norge | |
TA General Manager/ Managing Director | Contractor activities | Limited company | BERGER | Norge | |
MN Mads Nordnes1982 General Manager/ Managing Director | Contractor activities | Limited company | KONGSVINGER | Norge | |
IM General Manager/ Managing Director | Purchase and sale | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
JE Jan Erik Hansen1959 General Manager/ Managing Director | Purchase and sale | Limited company | BEITOSTØLEN | Norge | |
PK General Manager/ Managing Director | Contractor activities | Limited company | KRISTIANSUND N | Norge | |
SH General Manager/ Managing Director | Contractor activities | Limited company | GAMLE FREDRIKSTAD | Norge |