Banking and insurance18122
Organizations in this category (18122)
Name | Main person | Industry code | Type | Place | Country |
SA Steinar Aune1976 General Manager/ Managing Director | Financial fund | Limited company | SANDEFJORD | Norge | |
BI General Manager/ Managing Director | Financial fund | Limited company | FLEKKEFJORD | Norge | |
VC Vincenzo Calabro1982 Chairman of the board | Financial fund | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
LC Chairman of the board | Financial fund | Limited company | KRISTIANSAND S | Norge | |
HC Henning Christiansen Harmens1979 Chairman of the board | Financial fund | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
FH Chairman of the board | Financial fund | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
HT Chairman of the board | Financial fund | Limited company | HJELLESTAD | Norge | |
SS Sigve Skimmeland1961 General Manager/ Managing Director | Financial fund | Limited company | SANDNES | Norge | |
AW General Manager/ Managing Director | Financial fund | Limited company | TROMSØ | Norge | |
AS General Manager/ Managing Director | Financial fund | Limited company | ÅLESUND | Norge | |
HS Chairman of the board | Financial fund | Limited company | HOSLE | Norge | |
PO Per Olav Jensen1964 General Manager/ Managing Director | Financial fund | Limited company | GODVIK | Norge | |
PM Chairman of the board | Financial fund | Limited company | TRONDHEIM | Norge | |
MW Magne Wessel1944 Chairman of the board | Financial fund | Limited company | KJØRSVIKBUGEN | Norge | |
GK General Manager/ Managing Director | Financial fund | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
JB Jens Batt Jansen1954 General Manager/ Managing Director | Financial fund | Limited company | FLORØ | Norge | |
CA Chairman of the board | Financial fund | Limited company | FURNES | Norge | |
GB Geir Berg1959 General Manager/ Managing Director | Financial fund | Limited company | FYLLINGSDALEN | Norge | |
ER Erik Ree1970 Chairman of the board | Financial fund | Limited company | KRISTIANSAND S | Norge | |
BF Chairman of the board | Financial fund | Limited company | NESTTUN | Norge | |
OH Oddvar Håland1958 General Manager/ Managing Director | Financial fund | Limited company | BRYNE | Norge | |
KB Kjell-Gunnar Badendyck Fjeldstad1981 General Manager/ Managing Director | Financial management | Limited company | BERGEN | Norge | |
AP Contact person | Financial fund | Unit trusts | OSLO | Norge | |
ES General Manager/ Managing Director | Financial fund | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
CA General Manager/ Managing Director | Financial market | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
KE Knut Eivind Borg1974 General Manager/ Managing Director | Financial fund | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
NB Contact person | Financial fund | Unit trusts | OSLO | Norge | |
EM Chairman of the board | Financial fund | Limited company | TYNSET | Norge | |
SE Chairman of the board | Financial fund | Limited company | ALTA | Norge | |
TV Torgeir Vefring1970 Chairman of the board | Financial fund | Limited company | NAUSTDAL | Norge | |
PK Chairman of the board | Financial fund | Limited company | FORNEBU | Norge | |
PH Patrick Herold1992 General Manager/ Managing Director | Financial fund | Limited company | MOSTERØY | Norge | |
PS General Manager/ Managing Director | Financial fund | Limited company | SANDNES | Norge | |
Analytics | Sole proprietorship | HONNINGSVÅG | Norge | ||
ME General Manager/ Managing Director | Financial fund | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
NM General Manager/ Managing Director | Financial fund | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
MB Morten Breivik1976 Contact person | Financial fund | Unit trusts | LYSAKER | Norge | |
MG Magne Gisleberg1969 General Manager/ Managing Director | Financial fund | Limited company | GRAN | Norge | |
VB Chairman of the board | Financial fund | Limited company | SKIEN | Norge | |
RT Robertson Towart1946 Chairman of the board | Financial fund | Limited company | TRONDHEIM | Norge | |
AV Astrid Viktoria Nerhus Melby1988 General Manager/ Managing Director | Financial fund | Limited company | TAU | Norge | |
AF Chairman of the board | Financial fund | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
HH Helge Hamre1974 Chairman of the board | Financial fund | Limited company | MOI | Norge | |
OI Odd Inge Sørheim1963 General Manager/ Managing Director | Financial fund | Limited company | ÅFJORD | Norge | |
TL Tomas Larsen1976 General Manager/ Managing Director | Financial fund | Limited company | STAVANGER | Norge | |
AO Arve Olaf Nymoen1957 General Manager/ Managing Director | Financial fund | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
JH Jan Hjelle1970 General Manager/ Managing Director | Bank | Organisational section | DRAMMEN | Norge | |
NS Njål Sævik1969 General Manager/ Managing Director | Financial fund | Limited company | LEINØY | Norge | |
KA Kjell Aanerød1971 General Manager/ Managing Director | Financial fund | Limited company | MOSS | Norge | |
SB Stian Bringslid1987 General Manager/ Managing Director | Purchase and sale | Limited company | FLORVÅG | Norge | |
AD Arild Dag Giske1957 General Manager/ Managing Director | Financial fund | Limited company | ÅLESUND | Norge | |
FT Frank Tore Olsen1968 General Manager/ Managing Director | Financial fund | Limited company | KONGSHUS | Norge | |
PR Petter Røed1967 General Manager/ Managing Director | Financial fund | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
SM General Manager/ Managing Director | Financial fund | Limited company | SPYDEBERG | Norge | |
AM Annette Marianne Beyer-Olsen1959 General Manager/ Managing Director | Financial fund | Limited company | NESØYA | Norge | |
MN Magne Nordgård1977 Chairman of the board | Financial fund | Limited company | HAMAR | Norge | |
PK Chairman of the board | Financial fund | Limited company | MELHUS | Norge | |
KH Kent Hansen1986 Chairman of the board | Financial fund | Limited company | SOMMARØY | Norge | |
AJ Anders Johnsen1960 General Manager/ Managing Director | Financial fund | Limited company | NESTTUN | Norge | |
AJ Chairman of the board | Financial fund | Limited company | JEVNAKER | Norge | |
RG Rune Garborg1969 General Manager/ Managing Director | Financial market | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
HØ Chairman of the board | Financial fund | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
PC Chairman of the board | Financial fund | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
LI General Manager/ Managing Director | Financial fund | Limited company | ÅLESUND | Norge | |
HL General Manager/ Managing Director | Financial fund | Limited company | ÅLESUND | Norge | |
JH Chairman of the board | Financial fund | Limited company | STJØRDAL | Norge | |
AS Andre Sandvik1988 General Manager/ Managing Director | Financial fund | Limited company | TANANGER | Norge | |
ML Magne Løvaas1976 General Manager/ Managing Director | Financial fund | Limited company | HVAM | Norge | |
ØW Øyvind Wahl1962 Chairman of the board | Financial fund | Limited company | BJUGN | Norge | |
HP Hans Petter Leer1960 Chairman of the board | Financial fund | Limited company | TROMSØ | Norge | |
BE General Manager/ Managing Director | Financial fund | Limited company | DRAMMEN | Norge | |
SG General Manager/ Managing Director | Financial fund | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
AU Arild Ulmo1945 General Manager/ Managing Director | Financial fund | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
JG Johnny Galta1970 General Manager/ Managing Director | Financial fund | Limited company | STAVANGER | Norge | |
AH Arne Hagen1974 General Manager/ Managing Director | Financial fund | Limited company | KONGSBERG | Norge | |
IB Ingrid Bergitte Westvik Hestness1950 General Manager/ Managing Director | Financial fund | Limited company | HAFRSFJORD | Norge | |
OL Ola Loe1966 General Manager/ Managing Director | Financial fund | Limited company | TRONDHEIM | Norge | |
EF Chairman of the board | Financial fund | Limited company | TRONDHEIM | Norge | |
JH Jamal Hussain1983 General Manager/ Managing Director | Bank | Norwegian division of foreign business enterprise | OSLO | Norge | |
RG Reidar Gjølstad1972 General Manager/ Managing Director | Financial fund | Limited company | GRESSVIK | Norge | |
OK Otto Koch1975 Chairman of the board | Financial fund | Limited company | VEAVÅGEN | Norge | |
AF Asbjørn Flatebø1981 Chairman of the board | Financial fund | Limited company | RANDABERG | Norge | |
DN Dag Nord1959 General Manager/ Managing Director | Financial fund | Limited company | SØRUMSAND | Norge | |
FN Frithjof Nerdrum1989 Chairman of the board | Financial fund | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
HA General Manager/ Managing Director | Financial fund | Limited company | HAMAR | Norge | |
AK General Manager/ Managing Director | Financial fund | Limited company | SKI | Norge | |
HK Hans Kåre Drange1989 Chairman of the board | Financial fund | Limited company | ØVREBØ | Norge | |
AP Contact person | Financial fund | Unit trusts | OSLO | Norge | |
FA Folkert Adriaan Jacob Strengholt1971 General Manager/ Managing Director | Purchase and sale | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
IK Idar Kaldråstøyl1982 Chairman of the board | Financial fund | Limited company | STORD | Norge | |
SN Chairman of the board | Financial fund | Limited company | GROVFJORD | Norge | |
JE Chairman of the board | Insurance | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
AH Ani Hystad1970 General Manager/ Managing Director | Financial fund | Limited company | STORD | Norge | |
RY Chairman of the board | Financial fund | Limited company | LARVIK | Norge | |
SO Sten Ove Lisø1984 General Manager/ Managing Director | Bank | Limited company | MO I RANA | Norge | |
GR General Manager/ Managing Director | Financial market | Norwegian division of foreign business enterprise | OSLO | Norge | |
KT Kenneth Tjelland1983 Chairman of the board | Financial fund | Limited company | KRISTIANSAND S | Norge | |
KS General Manager/ Managing Director | Financial fund | Limited company | OTTESTAD | Norge | |
HM Chairman of the board | Financial fund | Limited company | TØNSBERG | Norge | |
EF Chairman of the board | Financial fund | Limited company | SANDVIKA | Norge |