Banking and insurance18222
Organizations in this category (18222)
Name | Main person | Industry code | Type | Place | Country |
HJ General Manager/ Managing Director | Financial fund | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
LK General Manager/ Managing Director | Purchase and sale | Limited company | STORD | Norge | |
BM Bodil Merete Sollie Hjelsvold1974 Chairman of the board | Financial fund | Limited company | HELL | Norge | |
NB Contact person | Financial fund | Unit trusts | OSLO | Norge | |
IA Chairman of the board | Financial fund | Limited company | HAFRSFJORD | Norge | |
TS Tor Sæthre1965 General Manager/ Managing Director | Financial fund | Limited company | BERGEN | Norge | |
SS General Manager/ Managing Director | Financial fund | Limited company | HAFRSFJORD | Norge | |
GH Geir Haglund1968 Chairman of the board | Financial fund | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
MV Morten Vorkinn1990 Chairman of the board | Financial fund | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
CB Caroline Bakalovic Kjeksli1984 Chairman of the board | Financial fund | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
RK General Manager/ Managing Director | Financial fund | Limited company | SKEDSMOKORSET | Norge | |
RH Rune Halvorsen1969 General Manager/ Managing Director | Financial fund | Limited company | PORSGRUNN | Norge | |
KH Kjetil Hansen1967 General Manager/ Managing Director | Financial fund | Limited company | ÅS | Norge | |
EO Erik Orkelbog1965 General Manager/ Managing Director | Financial fund | Limited company | OPPEGÅRD | Norge | |
MA Morten Aune1961 Chairman of the board | Financial fund | Limited company | FLORØ | Norge | |
OR Odd Roger Aasen1970 General Manager/ Managing Director | Financial fund | Limited company | LEPSØY | Norge | |
FB Frank Bjørkli1965 Chairman of the board | Financial fund | Limited company | HOMMELVIK | Norge | |
AH Aud Henny Skeie1951 General Manager/ Managing Director | Financial fund | Limited company | KRISTIANSAND S | Norge | |
JE Jan Eilif Sæther1948 General Manager/ Managing Director | Financial fund | Limited company | JAR | Norge | |
OS Olav Sand1969 Chairman of the board | Financial fund | Limited company | SANDNES | Norge | |
MB Morten Breivik1976 Contact person | Financial fund | Unit trusts | LYSAKER | Norge | |
GH General Manager/ Managing Director | Financial fund | Limited company | SØVIK | Norge | |
MV Martin Vinje1979 Chairman of the board | Financial fund | Limited company | FORNEBU | Norge | |
ØW Øystein Walle1970 General Manager/ Managing Director | Financial fund | Foundation | ÅL | Norge | |
RH Rune Haga1960 General Manager/ Managing Director | Financial fund | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
RR General Manager/ Managing Director | Financial fund | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
AK General Manager/ Managing Director | Purchase and sale | Limited company | HAUGESUND | Norge | |
NB Contact person | Financial fund | Unit trusts | OSLO | Norge | |
PH Chairman of the board | Financial fund | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
KE General Manager/ Managing Director | Financial fund | Limited company | FLEKKEFJORD | Norge | |
JG Chairman of the board | Financial fund | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
PK Per Kristian Aas1984 General Manager/ Managing Director | Insurance | Limited company | TØNSBERG | Norge | |
AG Anders Gaarud1979 General Manager/ Managing Director | Financial fund | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
KS Knut Skamsar1966 Chairman of the board | Financial fund | Limited company | LALM | Norge | |
HA General Manager/ Managing Director | Financial fund | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
TM Trond Madsø1977 General Manager/ Managing Director | Financial fund | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
BT Bent Tore Olsen1972 General Manager/ Managing Director | Purchase and sale | Limited company | TROMSØ | Norge | |
RK Rune Kruse1971 Chairman of the board | Financial fund | Limited company | GJETTUM | Norge | |
KI Chairman of the board | Financial fund | Limited company | BODØ | Norge | |
OR Olav Remøy1969 General Manager/ Managing Director | Financial fund | Limited company | FOSNAVÅG | Norge | |
FH Fredrik Henning Willanger Kvale1981 General Manager/ Managing Director | Financial market | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
EJ Erlend Jørgensen1980 General Manager/ Managing Director | Financial fund | Limited company | MOSJØEN | Norge | |
EM Espen Mathisen1971 General Manager/ Managing Director | Financial fund | Limited company | BERGEN | Norge | |
TA Chairman of the board | Financial fund | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
PW Per William Lie1976 Chairman of the board | Financial fund | Limited company | STRAUME | Norge | |
IM General Manager/ Managing Director | Financial fund | Limited company | SKÅLA | Norge | |
HL Chairman of the board | Financial fund | Limited company | ELVERUM | Norge | |
BK Bjarne Kveim Lie1971 Chairman of the board | Financial fund | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
HB Hanne Blix Lundø1980 General Manager/ Managing Director | Financial fund | Limited company | KOLBEINSVIK | Norge | |
KH Kjell Haugland1961 General Manager/ Managing Director | Financial fund | Limited company | VIGRESTAD | Norge | |
AJ General Manager/ Managing Director | Financial fund | Limited company | BÆRUMS VERK | Norge | |
MS Marianne Stein1952 General Manager/ Managing Director | Financial fund | Limited company | GJØVIK | Norge | |
SJ Chairman of the board | Financial fund | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
AB Chairman of the board | Financial fund | Limited company | MOLDJORD | Norge | |
BI General Manager/ Managing Director | Financial fund | Limited company | BØLANDET | Norge | |
EL Chairman of the board | Financial fund | Limited company | SVOLVÆR | Norge | |
NB Chairman of the board | Financial management | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
SH Steinar Haugen1963 General Manager/ Managing Director | Financial fund | Limited company | TRONDHEIM | Norge | |
Insurance | Sole proprietorship | HUSØYSUND | Norge | ||
KW Chairman of the board | Financial fund | Limited company | SKJETTEN | Norge | |
BE Bjørn Erga1967 Chairman of the board | Financial fund | Limited company | ORRE | Norge | |
HS Herman Skibrek1970 Chairman of the board | Financial fund | Limited company | LOMMEDALEN | Norge | |
PB General Manager/ Managing Director | Financial fund | Limited company | JØRPELAND | Norge | |
TM Chairman of the board | Financial fund | Limited company | ÅSGÅRDSTRAND | Norge | |
TM Chairman of the board | Financial fund | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
AW Asgeir Wien1965 General Manager/ Managing Director | Financial fund | Norwegian division of foreign business enterprise | VOLLEN | Norge | |
TM Chairman of the board | Financial fund | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
HK General Manager/ Managing Director | Financial fund | Limited company | CHARLOTTENLUND | Norge | |
RK Rudi Karlstad1973 Chairman of the board | Financial fund | Limited company | OPPEGÅRD | Norge | |
ÅS Åsmund Sutterud1963 General Manager/ Managing Director | Financial fund | Limited company | HEGGEDAL | Norge | |
OA Chairman of the board | Financial fund | Limited company | DRAMMEN | Norge | |
EK Espen Krogstad1958 Chairman of the board | Financial fund | Limited company | NESODDTANGEN | Norge | |
AW André Wilmann1982 General Manager/ Managing Director | Financial fund | Limited company | SANDEFJORD | Norge | |
AA Atle Aarak1969 Chairman of the board | Financial fund | Limited company | VOLLEN | Norge | |
LR Lise Randgaard1970 General Manager/ Managing Director | Purchase and sale | Limited company | HAMAR | Norge | |
BK Chairman of the board | Financial fund | Limited company | KVELDE | Norge | |
HH Chairman of the board | Financial fund | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
HE General Manager/ Managing Director | Financial fund | Limited company | KRÅKERØY | Norge | |
OC Chairman of the board | Financial fund | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
AJ General Manager/ Managing Director | Financial fund | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
MS Martin Strømmen1990 Chairman of the board | Financial fund | Limited company | HORDVIK | Norge | |
RS Rune Sigurdsen1973 General Manager/ Managing Director | Financial fund | Limited company | SPIKKESTAD | Norge | |
HR Hallstein Ranum1981 General Manager/ Managing Director | Financial fund | Limited company | OVERHALLA | Norge | |
RK Chairman of the board | Financial fund | Limited company | SKI | Norge | |
RH General Manager/ Managing Director | Financial fund | Limited company | VARHAUG | Norge | |
AJ Chairman of the board | Financial fund | Limited company | STAVANGER | Norge | |
KA Kim Anders Olsen1979 General Manager/ Managing Director | Purchase and sale | Limited company | TRONDHEIM | Norge | |
ES Chairman of the board | Financial fund | Limited company | HØNEFOSS | Norge | |
MF General Manager/ Managing Director | Financial fund | Limited company | SØREIDGREND | Norge | |
JN Janne Nore1978 General Manager/ Managing Director | Financial fund | Limited company | HJELLESTAD | Norge | |
KM Chairman of the board | Financial fund | Limited company | LAKSEVÅG | Norge | |
EJ Chairman of the board | Financial fund | Limited company | OSLO | Norge | |
MG Chairman of the board | Financial fund | Limited company | FLORØ | Norge | |
HJ Henry Jakobsen1984 Chairman of the board | Financial fund | Limited company | SKIEN | Norge | |
KA Kyrre Aas Hustad1985 General Manager/ Managing Director | Financial fund | Limited company | LEVANGER | Norge | |
EJ General Manager/ Managing Director | Financial fund | Limited company | JESSHEIM | Norge | |
EM Egil Moen1954 General Manager/ Managing Director | Financial fund | Limited company | TAU | Norge | |
RS Rune Sandnes1972 Chairman of the board | Financial fund | Limited company | TJODALYNG | Norge | |
AF Chairman of the board | Financial fund | Limited company | JAR | Norge | |
TT Turid Telebond1950 General Manager/ Managing Director | Financial fund | Limited company | TRONDHEIM | Norge |